Averill Park High School seniors Noora Ahmed and Sophia Morone have been awarded the Seal of Biliteracy in French. Senior Isabella Maddalone has been awarded the Seal of Biliteracy in Spanish.
Noora discussed Coco Chanel, Edith Piaf and Berthe Morisot — French women who succeeded in male-dominated fields of endeavor. Sophia presented on the lives of Jean-Dominique Bauby, Laetitia Bohn-Derrien, Philippe Vigand and Philippe Pozzo di Borgo — all of whom have severe mobility and communication limitations due to paralysis or other catastrophic physical challenges.
Ed Alston, International Scholars Program Coordinator for the Niskayuna School District and adjunct instructor at Clarkson University, and Mr. Fred Meni, Director of the University at Albany’s Center for Language and International Communication, served as judges.
Isabella presented on Frida Kahlo, Eva Perón and Dolores Huerta — three women who overcame obstacles in male-dominated societies to leave their mark while helping and inspiring others.
Dr. Alejandra Bronfman, Associate Professor Department of Latin American, Caribbean and US Latino Studies(LACS) at SUNY Albany, Carmen Nieves, PHD Candidate LACS Department SUNY Albany, Ildefonso Apelanz, PHD Candidate LACS Department SUNY Albany, and Arlyss Herzig, APHS alumni (2018) and previous Seal award winner, served on the of judges.
(Pictured,from left, is Ed Alston, Noora Ahmed, Sophia Morone and Fred Meni)