Averill Park High School students received their Advanced Art Placement scores recently and 11 earned perfect scores of 15.
Students submitted 12 works under breadth which demonstrate a range of techniques and approaches to the College Board for AP Studio in Art and 12 works under concentration, which demonstrate experimentation, evolution and growth through a deep conceptual investigation.
The final category assessed is called “quality”. These are five works that the student selects from either of the first two sections (breadth/concentration). They may also be specifically created for this category.
Quality is supposed to demonstrate the student’s strongest works based on concept (deep investigation of a central concern), composition (how the work is arranged/organized in space) and execution (skill and competence with media).
The artwork is matted, mounted, covered and shipped for the physical assessment that takes place in a warehouse in Salt Lake City, Utah. More than 80,000 portfolios are assessed from all over the world.
In total, 11 students earned perfect scores of 5 while two earned a 4 and two earned a 3.
Six students submitted a 2-Dimensional Design Portfolio, with five of them receiving perfect scores of 5. One student earned a score of 3. For this division, Averill Park students rank in the 86.4 percentile globally and 87 percentile in New York state.
Seven students submitted Drawing Portfolios, with five earning perfect scores of 5, one earning a 4 and one earning a 3. For this division, Averill Park ranked in the 91.1 percentile globally and 91.7 in New York.
Lauren Harland submitted both a 2-D and Drawing Portfolio this year with more than 45 works of art created. She earned a perfect score for both.