Welcome to Algonquin’s first weekly email blast of the year. Typically these weekly emails will be sent out on Wednesdays in an effort to provide you with relevant information and updates from our school.
A few reminders about Algonquin’s school day hours are listed below.
-Students must report to Morning Meeting at 7:45am.
-A student is marked tardy if they have not arrived in the main entrance by 7:56am.
-Parents may drop off their child in the Main Foyer as early as 7:00am, but not earlier.
-Classes end at 2:25pm and AMS runs two dismissals. First dismissal at approximately 2:25pm is for students riding the bus. All other students wait in their classroom until second dismissal which will occur once buses are loaded.
-Our after school activity period on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays runs until 3:20 at which time students who signed up to stay with a teacher may ride the late bus. For those picking their child up on late bus days, please do not park in the center traffic loop as you will be blocked in by the buses.
For those parents dropping their child off at Algonquin in the morning, please review the traffic pattern map linked below.
It is important for student safety that students get dropped off on the sidewalk marked on the map. Please do not drop your child off in the middle of the parking lot.
For those parents picking their child up at the end of the day, please review this map. We ask that if you pull into the large parking lot and keep the driveway clear for bus traffic, which will allow for a more efficient dismissal.
Late bus service will begin on Tuesday, September 10th. Students wishing to stay after school with a teacher must make arrangements in advance with that teacher and remain in that classroom from 2:40-3:20pm. Students are not allowed to “hang out” after school and must be supervised by a staff member at all times.
OPEN HOUSE – THURSDAY SEPT. 12 – 6:30 p.m.
As a reminder, AMS will hold our annual Open House on Thursday, September 12 at 6:30 p.m. More information about this event was shared in the Jottings newsletter and will be provided to students to bring home on Wednesday, September 11.
The Fall Book Fair begins Tuesday, Sept 10 and runs each day during lunches through Monday, Sept 16th .
Book Fair is also open during Open House (9/12) from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. near the cafeteria. **Purchase books from Teachers’ Wish Lists or a gift certificate**
Students who make a purchase at the book fair gets a chance to win a FREE poster (we have about 60 to give away).
We are also collecting $$ for “All For Books”, a Scholastic program that directly benefits our school, plus Scholastic matches every dollar collected by donating a book to a child in need through a variety of charitable organizations.
The home room collecting the most $$ will get a DONUT party! Students should look for their home room bin at the book fair. (Parents can also stuff the bin during Open House!!)
*If you are unable to make it to the book fair; you can shop the on-line book fair at:
*Parents: You can also set up an “eWallet” for your student (a convenient payment option); just click on the above link**
If you are interested in volunteering, contact Denise Nero danero530@gmail.com
Follow news from the school district on Instagram. Follow the district on Twitter and Instagram: @AverillParkCSD. Also, follow our Algonquin accounts on Twitter and Instagram: @APAlgonquinMS.
Students are encouraged to stay after school to be more deeply involved in their school experience by participating in clubs and activities and to work with teachers on developing their skills and completing assignments. Buses run on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Buses leave AMS shortly after 3:20pm and then head to APHS to pick up high school students. Drivers then complete their routes based on the students on the bus. Bus routes are available by clicking on the link below. Copies are also available with teachers and in the main office. Please note that Wynantskill UFSD only offers late bus service on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Thank you.
Grade 8 students are invited to participate in our Morning Breakfast Privilege. This special start to the morning for 8th grade students will begin on Wednesday, September 11th. Students are allowed to leave their bus when it arrives at Algonquin and may go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast and sit with their friends. More information about this privilege will be shared with students during the first few days of school.
Please check out our first Jottings newsletter of the year. Click on the following link to check it out: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AD_owUFqsaIBn2TwLxpeI9M2fkJkP1YI/view?usp=sharing
The APEF is a non profit that provides grants to our teachers to help provide enriching experiences and educational opportunities for our entire student community.
If you weren’t aware, the APEF is the organization that has helped to fund
AMS grand piano
Music in our Schools programming
Science electives in the high school
Robotics Club equipment
AMS and APHS digital announcement system
3D printers and other chrome book technology
Multiple visiting authors, speakers and entertainment at all schools
Teacher continuing education
And so much more…….
Consider joining their email list to receive Event invitations (Gala 11/15/2019)
Get on their list by clicking on the link – all information will be digital in 2019: https://tinyurl.com/APEFInformation-Events
Thank you for your support
The Sand Lake Center for the Arts is offering after school programming for Algonquin students. The program will take place at the SLCA from 3:15-5:15pm with transportation provided by the school district. “Circus Theatricks” will run from September 16 to October 24th and thanks to the Troy Music Hall Charitable Foundation is free for the first 22 AMS students that sign up! “Myth and Magic” will run from October 2 to November 22 on Wednesdays and Fridays and costs $100. Please click on the following links for more information:
Circus Theatricks: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cd66Ajfw-TB78cAW-FFMr_ID-YPhA8Ha/view?usp=sharing
Myth and Magic: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MzqznUU-MWO5M3XyX7ZF0VBxDwjAXFrk/view?usp=sharing
From the Library:
Summer Loan: If your child is in 7th and 8th grade and they checked out Summer Loan books in June to read over the summer, these library books need to be returned as soon as possible.
A Special Support Group for Parents at the East Greenbush Public Library: Look: Loving Ourselves and Our Kids – East Greenbush Public Library, Hurr Education Center – 9/19, 10/17, 11/21 -6:00pm – 7:00pm Do you have a child in your life who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, queer, or questioning, and want to connect with other adults for support? Join us for group discussion at 6pm. Drop-ins welcome, no registration required. This group meets every third Thursday of each month. This is a collaboration between the East Greenbush Community Library and the Pride Center of the Capital Region.