If a student is in need of working papers at any point during our closure, please download the application materials off the APCSD website at: https://www.averillpark.k12.ny.us/working-papers
Once completed, call the nurse’s office at WSL (518-674-7184) to verify if your child’s physical is up to date. If the physical is up to date, you will be prompted to schedule a time with the Nurse on Duty from 7 a.m. to noon to have the AT-16 Physical Fitness Form signed. This step may also be completed directly with your physician, as well.
When all signatures and forms are completed, please email your completed documents to heilmannj@apcsd.org and request to set up a videoconference to present and verify identification materials. Once the video conference is completed, your working papers will be mailed to you.
If you have any questions, or need assistance with any part of this process, please contact the HS Counseling Center at 674-7025.