Hello APCSD Community,
Averill Park CSD is going to celebrate our Class of 2020 with our own Adopt-A-Senior campaign. Ours will run slightly differently than other schools. We will have a one-day delivery and drop off on June 11. Drop off will be from 8-10 a.m. and then the busses will come and gather the gifts for delivery. Drop off is located in the front of the high school under the awning by the main entrance.
Think of this as Secret Santa – we will not be sharing with seniors which one of you adopted them. It creates a little mystery and fun. So when you package your gifts – Senior’s name only please. We will send you the senior you are randomly assigned to in the next week.
Gifts are intended to celebrate our seniors and to lift their spirits. Some ideas are notes (don’t sign your name), drawings, gift cards, games, fun snacks, something for “after high school” – have fun with it! Please remember due to COVID-19 we are unable to give any homemade food. *All food must be store bought and in the original package.
*** Due to the size of buses making the delivery limit your package to a maximum size a medium size bag, no larger than 2’x1’ box. ***
If your situation changes and you are no longer in a position to adopt, no worries, but please let us know.
Click here to fill out the form to adopt a senior. We will be sending out more details as the event gets closer.
Thank you! Please reach out to any of us with questions. We’ll respond as quickly as possible.
Thank you so much. We look forward to celebrating the class of 2020!
Nicole Freeman (freemann@apcsd.org)
Karyn Rees (reesk@apcsd.org)
Tricia Daviero (davierot@apcsd.org)