There are three (3) candidates seeking two (2) open seats on the Board of Education this year. Each carries a three-year term beginning July 1, 2020.
Below you will find bios written by each of the candidates.
I have been a member of the Averill Park community for over 15 years. With my wife, Lynn, and our three children, Colin (APHS Junior), Alec (APHS Freshman), and Lizzie (AMS 7th Grader), we live in the Lake Meadows neighborhood on Snyder’s Lake. All three of our children have, and continue to, actively participate in school clubs, athletics, and the music program.
I have coached in the Twin Town Little League (seven years), AP Youth Soccer (10 years), and AP Youth Basketball (nine years). I had the pleasure of serving on the AP Youth Basketball Board of Directors for eight years, with the last five being President. I was nominated and served on the 2018-19 APCSD Long Range Planning Committee.
For the past 22 years, I have worked in the Technology Industry with a focus on K-12, Higher Education, and State Government. This professional experience has afforded me the opportunity to work with school districts across the state and has allowed me to understand and assist with solving various technology challenges. I studied Political Science at Sacred Heart University as an Undergraduate, Virginia Tech for my Master’s Degree, and University at Albany where I did Doctorate work.
I am a firm believer that education does not begin nor end within the four walls of the school and that our job as a district is to provide our students as many opportunities as possible to be successful. I believe that the District’s motto “Every Student, Every Day” needs to focus not only on providing academic excellence in the classroom but needs to extend into the community as we prepare our students to become global citizens.
I served as a social studies teacher at Averill Park High School for 15 years and served as President of the Averill Park Teachers Association. After teaching, I took a hiatus from education and worked for an internet start-up company, serving as National Instructor, visiting and training newspaper clients throughout the United States. This experience provided me with an understanding of business practices and a profound insight to the diversity in our country. This experience left me with a profound appreciation of our community and Averill Park CSD.
I subsequently returned to education and served as Principal and Superintendent for the Middleburgh School District and retired as Superintendent of Hoosic Valley School District. During my tenure as Superintendent at Hoosic Valley I managed a building project that was finished on time and on budget.
During retirement I have served as an interim Middle School Principal and Assistant High School Principal at Ichabod Crane Central School District, and interim Superintendent in another District. During the past three years I have served as a Questar III lead teacher evaluator. Through continued involvement in the educational system I am familiar with current policy, research and have studied the best educational models. Last year I served on the Averill Park School District Building Project Advisory Committee.
I have also served five terms as Supervisor for the Town of Sand Lake. As Supervisor, I managed the construction and financing of the sewer district, purchased and renovated the present Town Hall facility and brought the New York State Police to the Town by establishing a State Police satellite office in the Town of Sand Lake.
My grandchildren are the fourth generation in my family that have graduated, or are in attendance, in the Averill Park Central School District. My wife, Nancy, also graduated from APHS. I know the quality education students enjoy and benefit from in the Averill Park Schools and I would like to help continue that tradition.
My husband, Daniel, and I moved to Averill Park in 1992. We have three children: Daniel, Jr., Sophia and Francesca. All three attended Miller Hill-Sand Lake Elementary School, Algonquin Middle School and Averill Park High School. I became involved with the PTA at Miller Hill early on in multiple capacities, including service day trips, PTA Membership, working on the Book Fair committee, and School Banking.
When my youngest became a Girl Scout, I took on the role of “cookie mom” for the troop. I have been the treasurer for the Averill Park Youth Soccer League for many years. I will soon complete my first term serving on the Averill Park CSD Board of Education.
I am the first in my family to have attended college. As a child, I learned firsthand the struggles of families that qualify for free lunch, heating and rent assistance, and food stamps. I worked hard in school to forge my path to a better life. Like every parent, I want even better opportunities for our children than I had.
The commitment of Averill Park’s faculty, administrators and staff has provided my three children a solid academic foundation to build on. Additionally, I believe the extracurricular offerings in academics, sports, music and theater engages our children and gives them pride in their school community which, in turn, sets them up for success. My son graduated in 2016 and my older daughter in 2019. I attribute much of their accomplishments so far to the experiences they gained from our outstanding schools.
I have worked in the field of education as a member of the Finance team at Siena College for 25 years. I fully understand the concept of trying to do more with less. At home, at work, and now serving on the Board of Education and the Averill Park Soccer League, I always strive for balance. My own personal experience of financial hardship, as well as appreciating the impact an outstanding education can make, are the basis by which I work to achieve the district’s mission of Every Student Every Day. Facing unprecedented cuts to our aid because of the pandemic, I am acutely aware of how important this experience will be moving forward.
My goal is to apply my fiscal knowledge and volunteer experiences to support the noble work of providing our children with the high-quality education they deserve, while always being mindful of the equally-important task of being good stewards of the finances.