June 2, 2020
Dear APHS Students, Parents and Guardians,
Phew, we are officially in June! Students, stay the course and please stay connected with your teachers and on top of your assignments. You are on the home stretch! We know you can do it! Parents & guardians, please check with your student &/or their teachers to make sure that they are still engaged. As a school-home team, we can work collaboratively to help your student finish the year successfully!
Sincerely yours,
Mr. Quiles, Mrs. Mein and Mrs. Leach
The Chronicle-May Edition
It’s time to take a break from work, click on the attached link, and be ready to be informed, enlightened, and amused. The May 29th issue of your school newspaper, The Chronicle, is now out in PDF form. This issue definitely has a Covid-19 feel to it (how could it not), but no virus is going to keep these students from contributing. Be sure to check out wonderful articles ranging from class of 2020 info, to a fond farewell to three retiring faculty, to local medical professionals we can all be proud of, and to information and discussions about your schooling during these times. Enjoy! https://www.www.averillpark.k12.ny.us/https://www.averillpark.k12.ny.us/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Issue_5_19-20.pdf
Senior Class Events
Seniors, pleasesee this message from Mr. Quiles for information about upcoming events and graduation.
Attention Parents & Guardians of the Class of 2020
As a fun way to round out the year for our senior class, we are asking all parents & guardians to please make a single Google Slide or PowerPoint slide for your graduating senior. You can include picture(s), quotes, hilights of accomplishements, etc. on the slide. As we receive the slides, we will take them and have our communications specialist post a group of slides each day on our Social Media sites to celebrate the Class of 2020. So be sure to check our social media sites daily.
For students with a last name that begins with the letters A-M, please send your slides to leachr@apcsd.org and for those with last names beginning with N-Z, please send your completed slide to meinc@apcsd.org
Budget Vote & Board of Education Election
Click here to view the APCSD Budget Newsletter: https://www.www.averillpark.k12.ny.us/https://www.averillpark.k12.ny.us/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/AP_Budget_2020FINAL.pdf
Board of Election: To view a video recording of the Meet the Candidates event, click here.For bios from each of the candidates, click here.
We would like to remind everyone that absentee ballots for the School Budget vote and Board of Education election must be received by the district by 5:00 p.m. on June 9.
A Message from the District Office
We would like to inform you that the last day of the 2019-2020 school year for Averill Park Central School District K-12 students, faculty, staff and 10-month employees is Friday, June 19. It was originally scheduled for Friday, June 26. This new date marks our 180th day of school, which meets the requirement for state aid from the State Education Department.
Attention Students-Yearbooks are still available
We have a limited number of yearbooks still available. Many spring events have been canceled but the yearbook is still being printed and will include a ton of great memories to capture and preserve this unique year. Since the school schedule continues to change we ask that you please order your yearbook online at www.jostensyearbooks.com If you would like a yearbook, please don’t delay.
Here is the link for your school’s yearbook: http://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A05290700
News for Students, Parents & Guardians
- Resources from our student assistance counselor, Ms. Favro: The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, is now hosting FREE, live online gatherings for parents and caregivers who may have children experimenting with, or dependent on substances. Register here:
- https://parentcoachescorner.us11.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ce0c51a57ca1dec05dbdb9199&id=8aa95fe375
- https://drugfree.org/article/online-support-community-for-parents-caregivers/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=online-support-community-for-parents-caregivers&utm_content=covid-19&fbclid=IwAR1DHIRcTIl-6zTACzKWHtiCttxvsnoAAGvXWFTtVm8gaLpWFe8ONd08ks8
- Click the link below to connect to the Remote Learning Parent University https://sites.google.com/apcsd.org/onlinelearning/family-resources/parent-resources?authuser=0
- If you or your family feels they need additional support during this time, please use this link for a list of local Mental Health and Addiction Resource. Mental Health and Addiction Resources and New York State Parent Portal
Students Stay Connected
- Students, please check your APCSD email daily. Your teachers, counselors and administrators are using this as the primary means for communicating with you! Teachers have all established daily “office hours” that they are available to you. These hours are located within their folders on the Online Resources page: https://sites.google.com/apcsd.org/onlinelearning/home. Take advantage of this time with your teachers to stay connected
- Speaking of staying connected, students, to stay connected with us, the APHS Leadership Team, by joining our Google Classroom “Averill Park High School Administration Connections”. All you need to join is the following code: whh5oj2 Many of you have already joined, our goal is to have ALL of you join to stay connected with us. We have received some questions from parents about being able to join as well. Please note due to privacy regulations, this Google Classroom is only open to students. Parents, we encourage you to review the Google Classroom with your student(s) to see what Mr. Quiles, Mrs. Mein and Mrs. Leach have posted.
- One way to not feel overwhelmed and to keep on a routine is to follow your regular schedule. To help you with this, here’s the A/B day line up for this week: Monday, 5/25=No School; Tuesday, 5/26=B-day; Wednesday 5/27=A-day; Thursday, 5/28=B-day; Friday, 5/29=A-day. Here is a weekly planning form you can use to help keep you organized and on top of assignments. Parents & guardians, please help support your child(ren) with their virtual learning by monitoring their online learning & assignments. All teachers have set ‘office hours’ that they are available for students. The Student Support Team (SST) is working collaboratively to monitor student connectivity and continue to be in touch with folks that the SST team determines to be needed.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if there is anything you need. This can be done via email, or by calling the high school at 674-7002. This line will be monitored daily, and you will receive a call back within one business day.
Stay safe and be well!
Mr. Quiles, Mrs. Mein & Mrs. Leach
Our emails are as follows:
Mr. Quiles (High School Principal)- quilesh@apcsd.org
Mrs. Mein (Assistant Principal, Grades 9 and 11)- meinc@apcsd.org
Mrs. Leach (Assistant Principal Grades 10 and 12)- leachr@apcsd.org