Governor Andrew M. Cuomo recently mandated that all school districts in New York State provide childcare through the summer months. Averill Park Central School District will continue to partner with Greenbush Child Caring, Inc. (GCC).
The summer program will be held at West Sand Lake Elementary School from June 29 through August 21 (closed on July 3). Program hours will run from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Registration is open to district residents for children entering grades K–8 in the fall of 2020. The program will remain on-site Monday through Friday and will not include field trips.
Throughout the school year, Averill Park CSD paid for the cost of the program, though it will no longer be paying for the service in the summer. The cost of the summer program is $200 per week. Participants are being asked to register for a minimum of 2 consecutive weeks to stabilize the number of participants coming and going (multi-week discounts are in effect for 3-plus weeks registered).
Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) many decisions had to be made before deciding on whether to offer a summer childcare program. Three important factors were:
1. Can it operate safely?
2. How would it operate during this unusual summer?
3. Most importantly, would your child have a good experience?
Due to the coronavirus, GCC’s program includes a daily pre-screening that includes temperatures being taken and social distancing. Children will be assigned to a small group and will remain with that group throughout the day/week to limit exposure and contact with others. There will be cleaning and sanitizing of materials throughout the day and frequent, supervised hand washing. A detailed information sheet will be sent to you upon confirming your registration. If you have any specific questions please contact GCC’s Program Director at
Please click here to register.
Please email or call 518-477-4125 for registration questions.