Averill Park Central School District has partnered with LearnPlatform, an edtech management system. This tool provides a library for our teachers to show you what tools have been approved for use in our district.
According to a recently passed NYS law, all vendors who collect student information (which could include usernames, single sign on, Chrome extension “click” agreements, etc) must sign an EdLaw2d agreement and Parent Bill of Rights in order to be used in our district.
Before a tool is approved, the vendor must sign our New York State EdLaw 2d agreement which guarantees privacy and security of personally identifiable information (PII) of students; if they do not, the tool cannot be used with students.
You can access LearnPlatform with your @apcsd email credentials to see what tools are approved for use in the district.
After you login, you will see products in our library. You can browse the library or search for a product and look at the details.
Notice the Green, Yellow, and Red color codes under the product.
Green is an approved product, Yellow is pending and Red is not approved.
If you click on a product you can look at the details and see the Approval Status and the Privacy Status. In this example below, I selected ABCya where both the Approval Status (No login, NO PII) and Privacy Status (No PII collected) are green.
You will also see Grade, Compare and Request.
Grade allows you to provide feedback on the product.
Compare allows you to compare several products.
Request will prompt you to complete a “request product form” so that the tool be reviewed and added to our library.