Good afternoon!
The opening of the 20-21 school year is right around the corner, and we know that folks are both excited and nervous.
We’ve certainly never headed into an opening like this one!
Regardless, please rest assured that we are confident that the 20-21 school year will be a safe, engaging, and exciting one for our students at APHS. We are always WARRIOR STRONG!
Here are a few updates on what to expect in the weeks to come:
- Monday, August 24th– The SchoolTool portal will open for students and their families. This will allow for electronic access to schedules.
- Tuesday, August 25th– We will mail out paper copies of student schedules, along with an array of other opening information and materials, to all HS students and their families. This will include day rotation schedules, daily bell schedules, etc.
- Wednesday, August 26th– We will conduct our virtual 9th Grade Orientation at 6:30 pm, followed by a virtual Q and A for incoming 9th graders and their parents. (Watch for a link to this event in the days to come) Please note, at this time, we will also share information about signing up for small-group tours of the building on September 8th.
- Thursday/Friday, August 27th and 28th– We will be sending out a series of videos and orientation materials for ALL high school students, including everything students need to know about day-to-day life in the high school in our new hybrid model. (Watch for a link to this event in the days to come)
- Tuesday, September 1st– We will hold a virtual Q and A for HS students only at 6:30pm to ask questions about the hybrid model and orientation materials.
- The first day of instruction is Wednesday, September 9th. This will be an A-Day- Students in Cohort 1 (last names A-K) attend in person and students in Cohort 2 (last names L-Z) attend remotely. The following day reverses this. It will be an A-Day, as well, but students in Cohort 2 (last names L-Z) attend in person and students in Cohort 1 (last names A-K) attend remotely. Here is a link to the day rotation schedule for the 20-21 school year.
For those families who have selected the 100% remote program, please know that we will be in touch with everyone very soon with details on the delivery of this program. We now know the number of students and families who have selected this model, and have actively begun our concrete work on what this will look like.
We have a lot to do between now and opening, but our leadership team, faculty and staff has been working endlessly throughout the summer to get ready for our students’ arrival. It’s been far too long since we’ve seen you, and we are looking forward to a unique, engaging, and inspiring year together.
Please reach out if you have any questions, and know that we will be in touch frequently in the weeks to come.
In the meantime, stay healthy and be well!