Congratulations AMS! You did it!
Together over 1000 food items were collected for the Kiwanis Thanksgiving Food Drive!
This is a wonderful accomplishment that far exceeded our goal of 400 food items!
As a result, students are allowed to wear Halloween costumes to school on Thursday (10/29) or Friday (10/30).
We encourage virtual students to participate as well by attending Google Meets in Halloween attire as well.
A few reminders about our Halloween expectations for students:
– All students must follow all CDC guidelines with their costumes including wearing a face covering.
– No “halloween masks” are allowed. That means that a students face, aside from their covid face covering, must be visible
– Costumes need follow the school dress code
– No weapons or representations of weapons are allowed
– Any makeup or hair product needs to be applied at home, not in school
– Costumes cannot distract from school learning environment
– Students will need to be able to wear their costume for the full day
We look forward to a fun Thursday and Friday with students as we recognize this great accomplishment that will have such a positive impact for so many in our community.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity for our school community.
Dr. Rhode recently put together a document that outlines current attendance practices and requirements when students are impacted by Covid symptoms, waiting for Covid test results or are quarantined by the County Department of Health. This document can serve as a reference for families with questions about this topic:
The first marking period for AMS students will end on Friday, November 6th. Report cards will be available for parents to view on SchoolTool starting on Saturday, November 14th. Thank you.
Please see the linked letter from the Health Office with information about BMI and the NYS Department of Health annual school survey:
NYS Senator Daphne Jordan is inviting students to participate in her Thanksgiving Day Celebration Showcase. Consider encouraging your child to consider participating by writing an essay, poetry or creating artwork that focuses on “What are you thankful for this year?” Click on the following link for more information:
Below you will find information from the Sand Lake Kiwanis about assistance available to families in need during the holiday season.
Click here for more information:
Hard copies of this form are also available in the AMS Health Office.
Please note that completed forms need to be turned in to the AMS Health Office by November 1, 2020. Thank you.
An important Chromebook reminder: Please help your child be ready for school by reminding them to charge their Chromebook each night and to be sure to pack it in their backpack for the next school day. This should ensure that their school day and learning is not interrupted. Thank you!
Special Contest!
The New York State Office of Information Technology Services’ is once again hosting the “NYS K-12 Kids Safe Online Poster Contest.” The contest is open to all students in New York State public, private and home-schools. As students learn to navigate the classroom in a more virtual setting during the COVID-19 pandemic, they need a strong cyber education to accompany it. Learning to be a good digital citizen has become a skill that even our youngest students must develop to get the most out of their online education.
This is a great opportunity for teachers to talk to students about being safe while on the Internet and while using computers and mobile devices. The contest has five entry categories: Kindergarten–Grade 2, Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12 and Special Education. New York State winners will be displayed in the 2022 NYS Kids Safe Online Calendar and entered into the MS-ISAC National Computer Security Poster Contest.
More information on the “NYS K-12 Kids Safe Online Poster Contest” can be found on the contest web page at
Questions regarding the contest may be submitted to
Don’t miss out! The contest entry deadline is December 18, 2020.
We have parenting books that you are free to borrow. Two of our latest books are listed below. If you’d like to borrow a book or have any library questions, please email Mrs. Ekstrom at
Nature Play at Home: Creating Outdoor Spaces That Connect Children With the Natural World by Nancy Striniste ; illustrations by Jen Ren
“Gives you the tools you need to make outdoor adventures possible in your own backyard. With hundreds of inspiring ideas and illustrated, step-by-step projects, this hardworking book details how to create playspaces that use natural materials–like logs, boulders, sand, water, and plants of all kinds. Projects include hillside slides, seating circles, sand pits, and more”–Publisher.
Under Pressure: Confronting the Epidemic of Stress and Anxiety in Girls by Lisa Damour, Ph.D.
“A guide to the increase in anxiety and stress experienced by girls of all ages. Damour addresses the facts about psychological pressure and explains the underappreciated value of stress and anxiety–that stress can stretch us beyond our comfort zones and anxiety can play a key role in keeping us safe. Damour discusses where tension takes hold–interactions at home, pressures at school, social anxiety among other girls and among boys, and on social media–and provides steps to take to shield girls from the toxic pressures to which our culture–including we, as parents–subjects them.” –Publisher.