APCSD Community,
When members of the school community are identified as contacts of a positive COVID case, the District, in conjunction with the County Department of Health, must conduct contact tracing.
In an effort to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our contact tracing, the District has developed a survey for all those who are identified as a contact.
The survey can be accessed from the District home page by going to the Quick Links section, which is at the bottom of the home page, and clicking on the Quarantine Questionnaire. A direct link to the survey can be found here.
Those who have been informed that they are quarantined should complete this daily, including weekend days, until they have been informed that they are released from quarantine. Quarantined individuals who indicate that they have developed symptoms; request a call from the nurse; or do not complete the survey will receive a call from our COVID-tracker nurse, Mrs. Wager. The department of health requires daily contact through either the survey or a phone call. All identified contacts must complete the survey by 10:00 a.m.
We realize that this is a difficult time for all of our APCSD families and thank you for your cooperation and patience.