As we have recently seen positive COVID-19 cases rise throughout New York State, we would like to take a moment to remind everyone of NYS Department of Health guidelines regarding the process each student or staff member must adhere to if they present with symptoms related to the virus.
On page C3 of the state Toolkit (found here), symptomatic students and staff members must be evaluated by a health care provider OR they must receive a COVID-19 test within 48 hours of the onset of related symptoms. If this is not done, the Rensselaer County Department of Health must be notified, and the student/staff member will be considered a positive case.
All students and staff members who present with symptoms should begin the quarantine process immediately while awaiting test results, or a physician’s diagnosis, as this will lead to fewer exposures within our school community.
Thank you for your continued patience. The support our community has shown throughout this pandemic has been outstanding.