AMS Families:
We know that these are challenging times for our students. As a result, the APCSD is providing a dedicated day of programming to support students called “AP Warrior Wellness Day.”
On Thursday, January 28, 2021, all students in grades 6-12 will participate in a special day of scheduled Remote Learning. There will be no in-person instruction on January 28th.
This full day event is focused on increasing awareness of the importance of mental health and empowering students with strategies to help support their social and emotional needs.
The AP Warrior Wellness Day was student initiated and is coming into fruition through the hard work of the APCSD Counseling Staff under the leadership of our school social worker, Linda Bille. Thank you to the Averill Park Education Foundation for funding the grant for the film “Angst” which will be shown.
On January 28, students will start their day at 9:00am in Morning Meeting where we will watch the film “Angst” and participate in group discussions about the film. Following that, students will participate in two breakout sessions of their choice on topics related to wellness. Students will gather as a Morning Meeting group again in the afternoon to have discussions about their breakout sessions. Optional supplemental activities will also be provided for interested students in the late afternoon. Additional information will be shared with students when we get closer to the event.
Please take two minutes to watch this video overview for parents, prepared by Ms. Bille:
Parents can choose to sign up to attend a virtual evening Parent Forum on January 28th at 6:00pm with Ms. Bille and our school psychologist Amber Williams.
Click here to view a flyer about AP Warrior Wellness Day Parent Forum:
Click here to sign up for the January 28th 6:00pm Virtual Parent Forum:
Thank you for your continued support of our school and students’ wellness.
Rob Messia