APHS Students and Families,
We are excited to return to our hybrid schedule next week and wanted to take this opportunity to remind you that we will continue to offer after school time for students to get extra help from their teachers.
So we can assure the safety of our students and staff, both while in the building and on our late bus runs, we ask that you follow the procedures outlined below.
- After school extra help will be offered on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays (starting on 2/9/2021)
- Students need to Pre-Arrange a day/time with their Teacher a day/time to stay after school.
- Once that is done, students need to complete the Google Form: https://forms.gle/Dd5sBvagFMjtTGaU6 NO LATER THAN 9 AM on the day they are staying after. This is necessary for contact tracing purposes and so the transportation department has adequate time to plan bus routes.
- Students and teachers will work together to find a schedule that works for both of them on days that after school help is available
- Only students who have signed up by 9 am to stay after school with specific teachers, with that teacher’s consent, are allowed to stay after school each day.
- Mrs. Mein will send teachers that have students scheduled to stay after a reminder each day of who is signed up to stay after with them.
- Please note that this Google Form is a shared one, which will be used by both AMS and APHS students. It will allow for us to know how many students will be in our buildings, track usage and needs, allow for contact tracing as needed, and allow for the buses to plan for safe runs, for both the middle and high schools.
For students who provide their own transportation, no late buses are needed. However, these students still need to complete the Google Form by 9 am to stay after school on any of the given days after school help is available so we have a record of you being on campus for extra help.
For those students who would like to take advantage of our late buses, we will be able to offer these, departing from the high school at approximately 4:30 pm. When you have finished your extra help session, please report directly to the HS Cafeteria/Student Union. Supervision will be provided in this location until the late busses have departed.
Thank you to everyone for your flexibility, and for helping to do your part in keeping everyone safe and secure each day. It’s been a lot! In the weeks to come, as we assess how this plan looks and operates in real life, we will consider ways through which we can continue to expand student engagement outside of the school day.
If you have any questions, please contact the high school office at 518-674-7002. In the meantime, please stay healthy and be well.
Sincerely yours,
The APHS Leadership Team