Can you picture Mr. Miller as a red head? How about with racing stripes in his hair? Polk-a-dots? Right now, his head is a blank canvas, but if some of his students uphold their end of a bet that will all change!
Mr. Miller bet his Financial Algebra students that if they all held passing grades at the end of the third quarter, he will dye his hair and keep it that way for two weeks.
This will be the second time that he has ever dyed his hair, the last time being many, many years ago when he went blond.
“I was teaching Driver’s Ed and the principal at the time looked at me and said ‘Wow they must be scaring you to make your hair change color.’ I have gracefully gone gray over the past few years,” he said.
Luckily for Mr. Miller, he’s color blind, so he might not be able to notice the change in color – but he would be able to see cheetah print.