Miller Hill-Sand Lake Elementary School kicked off its yearly school-wide contest with Random Acts of Kindness Week in February. Dressing up as teachers, rock stars, and wearing silly socks, each day students dressed up with themes and had daily Kindness Challenges. Classrooms and grade levels created many great posters, decorated hallways, and also created virtual slide shows.
Superintendent Dr. Franchini and Assistant Superintendent Mr. Hladun had the difficult job of judging all of our school entries as everyone did a fantastic job promoting kindness with their displays!
The 2021 Rock Star of Kindness Award goes to ….. MHSL Grade 3 with their “Bee Kind Hallway Display!”
Congratulations Mrs. Reasor, Ms. Grogan and Mrs. Perrotta’s 3rd graders for their creativity. They will choose a school-wide theme day and will proudly display the MHSL Proud Tiger Trophy in their classrooms!
MHSL Principal Mr. Sibson and all the MHSL Faculty would like to thank our amazing students for their daily Random Acts of Kindness this year!