To view Report Card:
From a computer:
Login to SchoolTool here
Click on the purple triangle next to your child’s picture
Click on the Grades tab
Choose the School Year and Trimester you’d like to view
Click on the printer icon below School Year
The report card will appear in a new window (be sure that pop-ups are enabled for this site)
Print the report card
From a mobile device (the SchoolTool app has limited functionality and will not generate a formal report card, however student grades can be viewed)
Login to the SchoolTool app (login directions)
Choose your child’s profile
Click on the Grades tab
Scroll to view grades
SchoolTool Website Directions:
In your web browser, go to the SchoolTool login page here
At the bottom left, click on “View Full Site” (the SchoolTool login page with blue margins should appear)
Follow the directions above for logging in from a computer