Dear Grade 5 Parents/Guardians:
We are excited to welcome your child to Algonquin Middle School for the 2021-2022 school year!
As we prepare for the upcoming school year we would like to share more information about our school and the grade 6 program. To that end, below is an outline of upcoming communications and events to help support your child’s smooth transition to the middle school.
The AMS Transition Connection: This message is the first in a series of communications you will receive about the transition from grade 5 to 6 for your child. It is our hope that these email messages provide bite-sized information about the AMS program and helpful tips for your child’s smooth transition to middle school. Each of these emails will have a common subject line “AMS Transition Connection” so that they are easy to identify. This letter is by far the most extensive one we will send – we promise!
AMS Virtual Parents’ Night: Our AMS Virtual Parents’ Night will take place on Wednesday, May 19, at 6:30 p.m. Parents will have the opportunity to participate in a live webinar style presentation about our school academic, character education and extracurricular program. During the presentation, parents can submit questions in live time with the principals answering them at the end of the program. A future communication will share more information about this event, including the time the presentation will be available for viewing.
Grade 5 Virtual Algonquin Visits: This year fifth grade students will participate in a virtual visit to Algonquin to meet with me for a presentation about our school program. Students will experience a virtual tour of the building and learn more about AMS through an approximately 40 minute presentation. These live Google Meet sessions will occur at dates to be announced in May at each elementary school.
Get to Know Algonquin Staff Video: In the coming weeks we will share a video that highlights the outstanding Algonquin faculty and staff! This video will give students a chance to meet their teachers and learn more about their interests and favorite things about AMS and advice for a smooth transition to middle school.
Band, Orchestra & Chorus Selection: Averill Park is known for its high-quality instrumental and choral programs. In typical years the vast majority (upwards of 80%) of AMS students participate in Band, Orchestra and/or Chorus. On May 18 you will receive an email including a Google Form for parents to sign up their child to participate in Band, Orchestra or Chorus. We hope that you will encourage your child to join Band, Orchestra or Chorus next year.
Pre-Algebra Entrance Process: Algonquin offers double acceleration in mathematics in grade 6. This program is available for high performing mathematics students who would advance two grade levels in their study of mathematics. Typically only 10-12 Averill Park students will qualify to participate in this program, however, a significantly greater portion of students will take Pre-Algebra, as a single acceleration, in grade 7. More information about the Pre-Algebra entrance testing process will be shared in a separate communication on May 4.
As a summary here are some important dates to know:
I look forward to sharing more about AMS with you and your child during our orientation activities.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding the orientation program or your child’s transition to Algonquin.
Robert Messia,