Parent Responsibilities
Your son/daughter has been issued a Chromebook to personalize his or her education this year. It is essential that the following guidelines be followed to ensure the safe, efficient and ethical operation of this computer:
- I will supervise my child’s use of the Chromebook at home.
- I will discuss our expectations regarding the use of the Internet at home.
- I will supervise my child’s use of the Internet.
- I will not attempt to repair the Chromebook, nor will I attempt to clean it with anything other than a soft, dry cloth.
- I will report any problems with the Chromebook to the school.
- I will not load or delete any software from the Chromebook.
- I will make sure my child recharges the Chromebook battery nightly.
- I will make sure my child brings the Chromebook to school every day.
- I will make sure my child uses a protective bag, either the one provided by the school district or a suitable alternative, to transport the Chromebook to and from school.
- I agree to return the Chromebook to school when requested and upon my child’s withdrawal from Averill Park Central School District.
Student Responsibilities
Your Chromebook is an essential learning tool and is to be used for educational purposes only. In order to take ownership of Chromebook, you must accept the following responsibilities:
- When using the Chromebook at home, at school and anywhere else I may take it, I will follow the policies of the Averill Park Central School District, especially the Student Code of Conduct, and abide by all local, state, and federal laws.
- I will treat the Chromebook with care by not dropping it, getting it wet, leaving it outdoors or using it with food or drink nearby.
- I will not lend the Chromebook to anyone, not even my friends or siblings; it will stay in my possession at all times.
- I will not load any software onto the Chromebook.
- I will not use my Chromebook with personal email accounts.
- I will not remove programs or files from the Chromebook.
- I will not give personal information when using the Chromebook.
- I will bring the Chromebook to school everyday.
- I will keep all accounts and passwords secure, and will not share these with any other students.
- I will not attempt to repair the Chromebook.
- I will recharge the Chromebook battery each night.
- I will return the Chromebook when requested and upon my withdrawal from Averill Park Central School District.
Student Name_____________________________________ Signature _____________________________________ Date_______________
Parent/Guardian Name____________________________Signature _____________________________________ Date_______________
You can agree to this via the First Day Sheet Acknowledgment