Dear APHS Students, Parents and Guardians,
Despite the current pandemic conditions, all of us at Averill Park High School believe that our students deserve access to safe school events which are spirited, aim to build community, and create memories for a lifetime. That is an important part of the high school experience.
As such, our class advisors have been working closely with the building leadership team over the past couple of weeks to develop a plan for our APHS Spirit and Homecoming Week. This planning team has done an excellent job. They have created a calendar of events which balances health and safety with offering an array of enjoyable experiences for our students.
We are excited to announce that our opening Spirit and Homecoming activities this year will include a series of last block field day events for each grade-level, theme days and contests for each day of Spirit Week, an evening Powder Puff Football Game (Juniors vs. Seniors), an outdoor Pep Rally, and an evening of food trucks, sponsored by the APHS Booster Club, on our campus prior to the Homecoming Football Game. The full frameworks for these events are attached, and our class advisors, along with their student leaders, will provide more details as we get closer to each event.
Given the current pandemic-related circumstances, you can see that we have replaced a singular 700-student Homecoming Dance with a variety of alternative outdoor events for this year. In the end, our advisors have gone all out, and I thank them for their work. After consultation with my high school principal colleagues around the region, it is clear to me that Averill Park is once again leading the way in terms of what we are offering our students, while still keeping health and safety at the forefront of our decisions.
As always, I thank you for your continued support, and I especially thank our class advisors for all the work they have put into the planning of these events! They will be reaching out directly to our students with more information in the days to come.
Be well, and stay healthy!
Warrior Strong,
Heath C. Quiles
Averill Park High School