The SL@AMS (Service Learning At Algonquin Middle School) Club is sponsoring our school’s fall food drive to support the Sand Lake Kiwanis Thanksgiving Basket Program. Students are encouraged to bring in canned food items to help families in need in our community.
This year we are challenging the students to bring in a total of 750 canned food items. If we are able to make our goal, students will be allowed to wear Halloween Costumes on Friday, October 29th!
Last year we issued a similar challenge and the entire school had a lot of fun both with the food drive and costume festivities. We hope this year will be the same.
As the fall progresses and we continue to offer as much outside activity as possible, including lunch, we would like to encourage all of our students to wear layers each day to school.
Wearing layers will help students be ready for outdoor activities, as well as our increased fresh air in the building with open windows.
This month, AMS will be spending each Morning Meeting reading our “One School, One Book.” As you may know, our “One School, One Book” program is designed to promote reading throughout our school and spotlight the character education principles of the school’s “Warrior Way.” This year’s book is The Seventh Most Important Thing by Shelley Pearsal. We encourage you to check in with your child about the book and its connection to the Warrior Way. Additionally, we are fortunate to have a scheduled virtual visit with the author of the book coming up in November. We will share more information about that as we get closer to the event.
October 29 – 31, 2021
5K & 1 Mile Fun Run
The Algonquin Parent Organization (APO) would like to invite you to participate in the 2nd Annual APO Halloween Hustle 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run. All proceeds will go to help the APO support the students and staff at Algonquin Middle School. Anyone is welcome to join in. Grab your family and friends and get outside for some exercise while connecting with our community! If you can’t join in on a race, you can choose to be a Sleep-In Supporter.
This year you have several options for how to participate:
IN PERSON – You can join us in person on Saturday October 30th at 10AM in Butler Park to run/walk your race with others on a designated route that goes around the high school property.
VIRTUALLY – You can choose to participate virtually and run/walk your race from any location you choose. Run any time between Friday October 29th and Sunday October 31st. Run your own race, at your own pace, and record your time online when you are finished
FEELING LIKE A ZOMBIE? If you would like to support Algonquin and the APO, but can’t join in on a race, you can register as a Zombie Sleep-in Supporter.
COST: $10 per participant (+ $1.58 Sign-Up Fee)
REGISTRATION: (ends October 31)
T-SHIRT ORDER: (order by October 12th)
Please click on the following link for more information about the Averill Park Youth Basketball Program:
Please click on the following link for information about the AP Youth Soccer Program:
Please click on the following link for information about BSA Scouting for this year:
Please click on the following link for information about the Warriors Competitive Cheer Program:
Coding Club
Coding Club will meet this Thursday, October 7th from second dismissal until the late buses load. Your child can sign up in the library or can email Mrs. Ekstrom to let her know they’re coming. Your child needs to have a ride or take the late bus home. Email Mrs. Ekstrom with any questions:
A special opportunity for grade 6 students: On October 13th, AMS grade 6 students will have a virtual visit with bestselling & award-winning author Kate DiCamillo to hear about her new book The Beatryce Prophecy!
If you’d like to place an order for a copy of the book, please fill out the form attached to this email and return with cash or a check payable to AMS PTO no later than Monday, October 4th. Please note that these books will not be autographed.
Great books for middle school students:
Every once in a while I will share some fabulous books with you in these E-Blasts that you can share with your middle schooler. Please let me know if you have any questions about them. If you should ever need personalized book recommendations for your child, please let me know. Happy reading! -Mrs. Ekstrom, AMS Librarian
Creepy stories:
Took by Mary Downing Hahn
“A witch called Old Auntie is lurking near Dan’s family’s new home. He doesn’t believe in her at first, but is forced to accept that she is real and take action when his little sister, Erica, is ‘took’ to become Auntie’s slave for the next fifty years”–Provided by publisher.
The Night Gardener by Jonathan Auxier
Irish orphans Molly, fourteen, and Kip, ten, travel to England to work as servants in a crumbling manor house where nothing is quite what it seems to be, and soon the siblings are confronted by a mysterious stranger and secrets of the cursed house. (summary from Follett)
Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Looking for excitement, Coraline ventures through a mysterious door into a world that is similar, yet disturbingly different from her own, where she must challenge a gruesome entity in order to save herself, her parents, and the souls of three others. (summary from Follett)
Realistic stories:
Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper
Considered by many to be mentally retarded, a brilliant, impatient fifth-grader with cerebral palsy discovers a technological device that will allow her to speak for the first time. (summary from Follett)
Wringer by Jerry Spinelli
When boys in Palmer’s town turn 10, they are expected to become “wringers,” ending the lives of pigeons wounded in a town event. At the far edge of age nine, Palmer not only abhors the tradition, but he is also hiding a pigeon in his room, causing a moral dilemma. (from:
The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Dan Gemeinhart
Twelve-year-old Coyote and her father rush to Poplin Springs, Washington, in their old school bus to save a memory box buried in a park that will soon be demolished.
Adulting 101: How to Get A Job (Virtual Presentation)
Spread the word to your teens about Adulting 101: How to Get A Job hosted by Greenburgh Public Library, Wednesday, October 13, 6 PM. This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
Tips and tricks for teens looking for jobs and internships! Learn where to look for jobs and internships, how to apply for them, what employers are looking for, what to expect in an interview, and how to create a good cover letter and resume. Create your own resume that you can use when applying for jobs, scholarships, internships, and colleges.
For grades 6-12. Advance registration required.
Sora Ebooks and Audiobooks: All Averill Park students have access to thousands of free and amazing ebooks and audiobooks through Sora. Students log in through their Google account. They select Questar III Boces and then APCSD and then can begin searching for books. Please email Mrs. Ekstrom if you have questions: These e-books are available through the generous support of the Questar III School Library System.