First quarter report cards will be mailed home on Friday, November 19th. Thank you.
Hello Algonquin families! It’s almost the holiday season and we are looking forward to sprucing up the cafeteria to pump up that holiday cheer! Our 2021 HOLIDAY HAPPENINGS event will be on Tuesday, November 30th.
This event is an opportunity for up to 50 kids to enjoy some time together decorating the cafeteria, having some refreshments, and making some crafts that can be brought home and enjoyed for the holiday.
The cost is $5.00 which can be sent into the AMS Main Office in an envelope with your child’s name and Holiday Happenings on it.
If your child is interested, they have been sent an email with a Google Form link for sign ups. Remember, there is a 50 student maximum for this event, so sign up soon!
On the day of the event, they will walk down to the cafeteria at second dismissal and be busy until either they get picked up in front of the school or ride the late bus home at 4:30.
We encourage families to pick up their child or carpool. However, if they are taking the late bus they will need to sign up with the regular process to do so by 9am.
If you are interested in helping out with this event, please email Jenn Brown-Kane at
I look forward to seeing some familiar faces and meeting new people while we bring a holiday wonderland to AMS!!!
As a reminder, students are asked to not have energy drinks, soda and other beverages, except for water, during the school day, with the exception of lunch time.
Various drinks can spill, attracting insects and rodents when not immediately cleaned up and generally make our school less clean for all of our community members.
Again, we ask that students save special drinks for lunch time and that they remember that water is the official drink of Algonquin Middle School.
Late bus service will be restarting at a later time of day beginning on Tuesday, November 30th.
Late bus runs will be offered each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.
Late buses will leave AMS at approximately 4:30 pm each Tuesday and Thursday.
This later departure time is a result of bus staffing shortages and our attempt to creatively provide late bus service to students.
Students that need to use the late bus no later than 9am on the day that the late bus is scheduled for by clicking on the link provided on their Team Landing Page.
More information about late buses will be shared with students later in the month.
As the fall progresses and we continue to offer as much outside activity as possible, including lunch, we would like to encourage all of our students to wear layers each day to school.
Please note that students are not allowed to wear blankets in school.
Wearing layers will help students be ready for outdoor activities, as well as our increased fresh air in the building with open windows.
The Coding Club will meet on Thursday, November 18th from second dismissal until 3:20.
There will be no late bus, so students must have a ride. Interested students can either sign up in the library or email Mrs. Ekstrom.
Check out the ebooks/audiobooks that are available from the North Greenbush Public Library:
Bonus Borrows are back on Hoopla for November! This collection of titles is available without using your monthly instate borrows. Hoopla Digital allows you to borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics and TV shows to enjoy on your computer, tablet, or phone – and even your TV! With no waiting, titles can be streamed immediately, or downloaded to phones or tablets for offline enjoyment later.
North Greenbush Public Library provides you 5 instant borrows each month. These digital borrows will reset every month and you can borrow more than one title at a time. Books are available for 21 days, videos are available for 72 hours, and music titles are available for 7 days after you borrow.
Hoopla is available on your desktop, phone, tablet, Alexa devices, Roku, Apple TV, Fire TV, and Android TV. Make sure to download the app to take your borrows anywhere. Any questions or issues, email us at
Sora Ebooks and Audiobooks: All Averill Park students have access to thousands of free and amazing ebooks and audiobooks through Sora. Students log in through their Google account. They select Questar III Boces and then APCSD and then can begin searching for books. Please email Mrs. Ekstrom if you have questions: These e-books are available through the generous support of the Questar III School Library System.