APHS junior Kadi Palmer visited with West Sand Lake Elementary School K-Kids this week. Kadi led a slide show discussion asking the K-Kids about what volunteerism means, why people volunteer, and what inspired her to volunteer for an organization called Jazzy Sun Birthdays (https://jazzysunbirthdays.org/).
Kadi was involved with volunteering at shelters to help bring happy birthdays to children, before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. She feels strongly about helping others feel special, especially on their birthday! The WSL K-Kids will join Kadi in the spirit of giving and create Birthday Party Boxes, which will include gift bags, birthday décor, paper plates/napkins, utensils, juice, party loot bags for siblings, notes/birthday cards with birthday wishes, and possibly LEGO sets. If you would like to help in this effort, please drop off items to WSL for Birthday Party Boxes. A request letter will be sent home soon, telling students how they can help too! This is the second visit Kadi has made to WSL to speak to K-Kids since her own 5th grade promotion from the elementary school. Thank you for serving as a role model as a Kid of Character, Kadi!