August 3, 2022
AMS Families:
As we prepare for the opening of school on Tuesday, September 6th, we would like to share some updates and reminders with you.
We hope that your family is having an enjoyable summer and that as your child starts thinking about September, they are excited to be at AMS with their friends and teachers.
Robert Messia, Principal
Brian Rhode, Assistant Principal
Algonquin Middle School
THEME FOR 2022-23
Each year our school establishes a theme that is reflected in a banner above the front entrance of the school. This year’s theme is “Be Present, Be Productive, Be Kind.”
This theme was selected to emphasize the importance of attending and participating in the school community, working hard to achieve one’s personal best and treating each other with caring and respect. We will revisit this theme throughout the year ahead and draw out connections between the theme and our school’s guiding principles known as “The Warrior Way.”
All Algonquin students will receive a letter in late August informing them of their Morning Meeting assignment for the upcoming school year.
Students will receive their course schedules on the first day of school.
Here at AMS, we are returning to providing each student with their own school issued assignment book at no cost to families. Each student will have this assignment book to record their homework assignments for each day. Our goal with this change is to help improve our students’ organizational and study skills.
Should a student lose their assignment book at any time during the year, a replacement copy will be available in the Main Office for $5.00.
Incoming Grade 6 students and families are invited to visit at AMS in advance of the start of school during our AMS Grade 6 Family Visit Night on Thursday, September 1 from 5-7 pm.
This event is a loosely structured, self-guided program with a 2 hour time window for families to visit in a relaxed environment.
There will be several fun activities built into the event, including a Stewart’s Ice Cream Social, with ice cream sundaes for sale by the APO for $1.00.
Families should plan on spending about 45 minutes here in the building for the activities. More information will be shared directly with incoming Grade 6 families in the coming weeks.
We hope this opportunity will support a smooth transition for your child to the upcoming school year. Thank you.
Families of Grade 6 Students: We have put together the website linked below to organize the materials we shared over the spring regarding the transition to middle school. We hope that this one-stop resource is helpful to you and your child as they prepare to join us here at AMS in September!
Click here to view the Transition Connection website:
Please click on the following link for the Grades 6-8 supply list:
Should any family need assistance with obtaining supplies for your child please reach out to your child’s school counselor. Thanks to the generosity of the Sand Lake Kiwanis we have supplies for students who need them.
Mark your calendars and join us for Algonquin’s Learning Launch (Open House) on Tuesday, September 13 from 5:30-7:00 pm. More information about this evening program for parents and students will be shared as we get closer to the event.
If you haven’t done so, now is a great time for students to get going on your summer reading assignment!
At AMS we know that students need to continually build and maintain their skills in reading and mathematics. As a result, our teachers have created important, engaging and manageable summer assignments to support student success in their upcoming grade level.
For Math: Students should be completing their daily math calendar assignments.
For ELA: Students should be reading their summer book and complete the short activity for their grade level prior to the start of school.
For those that need copies of materials, please view the following link:
GRADE 6 FAMILIES: Please remember that your student needs the Tdap immunization by the time they turn 11. If they have already turned 11, please send in the physician immunization record if you have not already done so. NYS allows for 14 grace days from the day your student turns 11 to obtain the Tdap immunization. If they do not have the Tdap immunization by the fourteenth day after their 11th birthday, the district can opt to exclude your student.
GRADE 7 FAMILIES: Please remember to send in your student’s 7th grade physical, it is a NYS mandate. All 7th grade students, per NYS law, must have the Meningitis vaccine as well. Please send in documentation from your medical provider stating the vaccine was administered. The vaccine is due by September 20 or a note from your provider stating your child has an upcoming appointment, date included, is required if the vaccine is not administered.
GRADES 7 & 8 STUDENT ATHLETES: You must register in Family ID if you intend to try out for a sport. You must also have a current physical on file with the AMS health office. A physical is valid for a period of 1 year from the date it was completed. In order for your child to be approved to try out, their physical on file with the health office must have been completed within 1 year of the tryout/practice start date.
If your student requires medication to be given in school (daily or emergency), please print the form below, have your child’s medical provider complete it and return the form to the AMS health office. The link for the NYS physical exam form is also available below.
Medication Administration Form:
NYS Health Exam Form:
AMS health office fax (518)-674-8426
Please see the link below for more information about fall sports. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mark Bubniak, the district’s athletic director.