Our AMS Learning Launch Family Event is coming up on Tuesday, September 13 from 5:30-7:00pm.
This is a fun event where students will walk through the building with their parents/guardians to meet their teachers and learn more about the year ahead.
Students are invited to complete a BINGO sheet during the event to be entered into a raffle for prizes provided by the APO!
For more information, families can view this flyer, watch this video, or view the slides from the video. Thank you.
As part of our start of the school programming Mr. Messia and Dr. Rhode will be holding grade level assemblies to share important information with students about the year ahead and reminders about school expectations. These assemblies are scheduled for Morning Meeting on the dates listed below.
- Tues. Sept. 13 – Grade 8
- Weds. Sept. 14 – Grade 7
- Thurs. Sept. 15 – Grade 6
It is our hope that in starting with a common message for all of our students we will develop a strong school community for the year ahead. Thank you.
Hello AMS Families! Here is our 2022-2023 event list!
Check off those events you would be interested in being contacted to help at!!
Checking them off does NOT mean you are the “Chairperson” or in charge! You will just be contacted with information about the event and if you can help, then you reply to the email/text!
Click here to fill out the volunteer form:
We are now using the REMIND APP so you can receive texts about all of our events whether you are interested in helping at them or just to put on your calendars for your child(ren). To join text @algonpo to 81010
Any APO questions, please send an email to
APO Meeting Dates: Sept 19, Nov 7 and Mar 13 from 7-8 in the AMS Library (straight back after you come through the main doors!)
The APO Leadership
Jenn Brown – Beckie Bourgault – Nicole Gendron – Kailey Hicks
September News
Hello AMS Families! It is your APO (Algonquin Parent Organization) reaching out to say welcome back to the AMS 22-23 school year! There are so many fun and exciting events going on this year and we welcome you to join in on the fun!
We will be using the REMIND APP for most of our updates and reminders. If you would like to be notified of upcoming events and sign ups for volunteering or donations via text messages, please join by
texting @algonpo and then add 81010 as your message
and it will connect you after a couple questions! EASY!!!
Feel free to join our APO Facebook page! @Algonquinparentorganization
Our 1st APO Meeting is on Monday, September 19 at 7-8pm! Hope to see you there to discuss our FALL events!!! Short and sweet is the way we will keep it!
We are also running a COIN CHALLENGE during the book fair in order to collect money for the “All For Books” program. The money collected directly benefits our school library and classrooms, plus Scholastic matches every dollar collected by donating a book to a child in need through a variety of charitable organizations. The home room collecting the most money will WIN AN ICE CREAM SUNDAE PARTY! Students should look for their homeroom’s container at the book fair. Parents can also stuff the bin during the Open House.
Our 1st BOOK FAIR will be running during lunch Sept. 12-16 and at the LEARNING LAUNCH (Open House) the night of the 13th. **Families can purchase books from Teacher’s Wish Lists or a Gift Certificate to help boost classroom libraries.**
You can also shop our online fair from September 12 – September 25.
If you are interested in helping us with the setup, sales and breakdown please sign up here.
Students who make a purchase at the book fair get a chance to win a FREE poster (while supplies last).
You can send money into school with your child or set up an EWALLET through Scholastic that your child could tap into when shopping during their lunchtime!
Setting up the eWallet:
The customer should first go to the school’s Book Fair Homepage, scroll all the way down to the SET UP EWALLET section and follow the steps to:
⮚ Get Started
⮚ Create eWallet
⮚ Sign In to existing Scholastic Account or Register to Create an Account
⮚ Add student name/teacher/grade, read Terms & Conditions and Create Account
⮚ Fund eWallet with an available eGift Card balance, a credit card or invite others to fund.
- 9/13 Learning Launch (Open House) 5:30-7pm
- 9/19 1st APO Meeting 7-8pm AMS Library
- 9/30 “GLOW” Movie Night 7-9pm (Sign Up Genius is coming!)
Thank you, Mr. Messia and staff, for your work over the summer and everything you do to welcome the AMS students back!!!! You’re amazing!
Thank you to Jeanne Stewart for helping us transform the faculty room into an inviting and relaxing atmosphere for our staff. Many are enjoying the new space!!!
Thank you to everyone who donated towards our first faculty room snack drive!!!! It was much appreciated by the AMS staff! Another signup for that will be coming in the beginning of October if refills are needed!
Thank you to STEWARTS for donating ALL the ice cream sundae kits!!! Because of you, we were able to make over 200 sundaes and bring smiles to our incoming 6th grade families! It will also help reward the winners of the COIN CHALLENGE!!!!
Have a great week everyone!
Sincerely, Your APO Board
News from the North Greenbush Public Library:
Tween Book Club: Our second tween book club meeting will be held on Thursday, September 29 at 5:30 pm. They will be discussing Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey. The meeting includes book discussion, a craft and snacks. Copies of the book are available at the circulation desk. New tween members are welcome!