On Wednesday, September 28 (Teams 1, 2 & 3) and Thursday, September 29 (Teams 4, 5 & 6) students will participate in our first Warrior Way Assemblies of the year during Morning Meeting.
We are excited to have Warrior Way Assemblies return in-person for the first time in several years. At these assemblies, our school turns its attention to the importance of the three principles of the Warrior Way: Respect, Effort and Action.
The format typically includes student performances, inspirational stories, recognizing individuals and groups in our school and community who have achieved great things and have had a big impact.
We encourage students to wear Blue and Gold on Warrior Way Assembly days.
APO OUTDOOR MOVIE NIGHT (September 30th, 7pm-9pm)
Come one, come all, to a night of movie fun for ALL!
The students voted and we saw loud and clear that everyone wanted to watch THE RISE OF GRU for their Fall Movie Night on Friday, September 30 from 7-9 pm. Students will pay a $5 admission. Ticket sales will be during their lunch periods on Wed (9/28) – Fri (9/30). Glow items will be on sale at the event, as well as snacks, candy, and drinks. In the event of rain the event would take place in the gymnasium.
Volunteers will be needed to help set up, man concession during, and clean up after the event. The APO is also asking for donations of drinks and snack items.
Here’s the sign up link and thank you in advance for your generosity!
Also, we had a great meeting on Monday evening. Thank you to those who attended. Please see the minutes from the meeting by clicking here. Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 7 at 7 pm in the AMS Library.
Next week we will begin conducting some safety drills during our school days. We will start off the year practicing fire safety procedures. During these drills we evacuate the school to designated areas. While these are only drills, they help us be ready for unexpected events that might require an evacuation from the school. There will be many adults helping, but we ask that students take the drills seriously and remain quiet while they are going on. They should also pay close attention to adult directions during these drills. Thank you for your support and we look forward to completing a successful set of fire drills next week.
If you have any questions about either of these drills please feel free to reach out.
Dr. Rhode
As you may be aware, the Averill Park Central School District is no longer able to provide free meals to all students as it did during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is due to the USDA ending nationwide funding which allowed school districts to provide meals for free during that time.
What does this mean for you?
- Families must fill out free and reduced price meal applications for the 2022-23 school year and meet income qualifications in order to receive free meals.
- Families must fill out the application and be approved on a yearly basis, even if they have participated in the program during previous school years.
- Families who do not qualify for free and reduced price meals will need to resume paying for school lunches.
Please note that if your family currently receives federal benefits (such as SNAP), your student is automatically enrolled in the free and reduced meal plan and you should have received a confirmation letter in the mail.
Free and reduced meal applications can be found on the district website here. If you cannot print out this application, or if you need assistance filling it out, please contact the AMS Counseling Center at 518-674-7107.