The Averill Park Central School District is proud to announce that Liam Rounds (Class of 2022) earned a perfect score on a college-level Advanced Placement (AP) Exam in spring 2022. Not only did he earn a top score of 5, but he also scored the maximum amount of points on every single portion of the exam.
“Congratulations to Liam Rounds for this accomplishment. I am constantly impressed by the artwork that our students produce each year,” Superintendent Dr. James Franchini said. “Liam’s perfect score is not only a great individual accomplishment, but also one for the whole art department.”
Of 19,000 students who participated in the AP Art and Design: Drawing Portfolio, Liam is among 30 students in the world to earn every point possible on the rubric. He is currently studying art activism and fashion design at the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design.
“Averill Park Art students are well above the National/International average, scoring mostly 4’s and 5’s,” APHS Art teacher Marsha Gregory said. “According to recently released data, the majority of portfolios in all three categories typically earn a score of 3.
“Our art program continues to produce confident and highly-skilled art students with a strong work ethic,” she added.
The AP exam consists of a student’s art portfolio, along with written supporting evidence. There are two parts to the exam, the Sustained Investigation section which is submitted digitally and the Selected Works portion. Sustained Investigation deeply investigates a concern or concept generated by the student. Selected Works consists of five resolved works that demonstrate high level formal skill, ideas, and processes.
“AP courses and exams are college-level, requiring great focus and persistence among participating students,” said Trevor Packer, head of the Advanced Placement Program. “We applaud the educators who encourage students to challenge themselves, who motivate and encourage diverse students to achieve their academic potential.”
One other APCSD student, Jessica Malenfant, earned every possible point on the College Board’s rubric in 2017.
The Advanced Placement Program is committed to ensuring that students have access to the opportunities they have earned. Students who succeed in AP are not only more likely to succeed in college, but have the chance to save a significant amount of time and money by earning college credit or placement.
Colleges and universities around the world receive AP scores for college credit, advanced placement, and/or consideration in the admission process. For example, Binghamton University awarded Helen Pond, Class of 2020, two 3-credit course electives on her college transcript for having earned a top score of 5 for her AP Studio I portfolio.