We are now at the midpoint of the first marking period. As such, we encourage parents and students to take some time this weekend to sit together and review student progress by looking at current “Marking Period Averages” in SchoolTool.
There is still time in the marking period for students to overcome any stumbles. We encourage students to seek out teacher support during Access, Morning Meeting and after school, particularly in those classes in which they may be struggling to demonstrate success. Click here to access SchoolTool.
The school’s fall Morning Meeting Food Drive Challenge is in full swing to support the Sand Lake Kiwanis Thanksgiving Basket Program and the AMS School Food Pantry. Students are encouraged to bring in canned food items to help families in need in our community.
This year we are challenging the students to bring in a total of 900 canned food items. If we are able to make our goal, students will be allowed to wear Halloween Costumes on Monday, October 31!
For the past two years we have held a similar challenge and the entire school had a lot of fun both with the food drive and costume festivities. We hope this year will be the same.
Thank you for your support.
The Sand Lake Kiwanis is offering families in need support for the holiday season.
Click here for a form that should be completed and return to the AMS Main Office or Counseling Center.
Hard copies of the form are available in the AMS Main Office and Counseling Center.
Odyssey of the Mind is still looking for new members. Students have been introduced to OotM at the ¨We are Warriors¨ assembly a few days ago, and there have been announcements in the morning. Students who would like to learn more should go see Mrs. Miller in room 714. Parents or students alike can email OotM@apcsd.org with any questions.
What is Odyssey?
Odyssey is….
¨Open to students from Kindergarten to College, teams work throughout the school year on solutions to one of six long-term problems. These are then presented in the form of an eight-minute performance at a regional competition. Regional winners advance to State Finals and then compete again hoping to represent New York at the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals, meeting and forming friendships with students from across the US and other countries. ¨
Odyssey is…
After a two year break, we are back with our annual APO Fall Pie Sale. Enjoy the convenience of ordering & picking-up Windy Hill Orchard (formerly Goold’s Orchard) pies for your Thanksgiving celebrations right at school! Hard copies of the flyer will be sent home with students.
Please use this link or the QR code below to access the order form. Orders Due by Thursday, November 10.
Click here for more Averill Park Education Foundation Gala registration information.
Halloween Spooktacular:
It’s that Spooky time of year! Lets Celebrate in some Fall Fun on Thursday October 27, 2022 from 3:30 to 5:00 pm at the APOs Halloween Spooktacular! This year we will be selling shirts for $20. Purchasing a Tee Shirt and wearing it to the event on October 27 gets you in free! If students just want to attend the event without a shirt, admission is $5 at the door! Pre-Sale 11am-1pm outside the cafeteria during Lunch Time on Wednesday October 12, 19 & 26 Pre-Sale is Cash/Check, PayPal & Carry! Make Checks Payable to Algonquin Parent Organization
Breast Cancer Awareness Apparel Sale:
APO will be hosting a Breast Cancer Awareness Apparel Sale over the next few months. Items will be for Sale at our upcoming events. You can also submit an order via the attached order form. Portion of the Proceeds will be Donated to Susan G. Komen in Memory of Carol Drury. Carol served the National Guard for 20+ years. She also served our community as ENCON Officer in AP & Nassau.
Pre-Sale 11am-1pm outside the cafeteria during Lunch Time on Wednesday October 12, 19 & 26 Pre-Sale is Cash/Check, PayPal & Carry! Make Checks Payable to Algonquin Parent Organization
Click here to see the Halloween Spooktacular Order Form
Click here to view the Breast Cancer Awareness Apparel Order Form
Vape Escape! Tweens/Teens, parents, staff, and community members are invited to attend this informative event collaboratively being hosted by the NOpiates Committee. Vaping has become one of the most popular forms of substance use amongst young people. The evening will include Interactive tabling and presentations on vaping health risks, addiction, and quit plans/interventions. SADD club students will help to provide peer-to-peer education and childcare. Please see attached fliers for more information.
Please join us
Wednesday October 19th 6:30 – 8pm
Sky-High Adventure Community Center
Sport Physicals: Winter sport sign-ups will begin on October 17. All students trying out for sports must have a physical on file in the health office which was completed after November 14, 2021. Please be sure that your child has a physical on file prior to signing up in Family ID. Physicals will be accepted until 11/31/22.
CHROMEBOOK REMINDER: Please help your child be ready for school by reminding them to charge their Chromebook each night and to be sure to pack it in their backpack for the next school day. If the battery life falls below 20%, the laptop can go into a deep sleep and die. It then has to be sent to our Technology Department to be revived. If students are charging their Chromebooks every day, this should ensure that their school day and learning is not interrupted.
Coding Club
Coding Club will meet next week on Tuesday, October 18 from second dismissal until 3:20. Your child can sign up in the library or can email Mrs. Ekstrom to let her know they’re coming. Your child needs to have a ride or take the late bus home at 4:15. Email Mrs. Ekstrom with any questions: ekstromr@apcsd.org
A very special author visit!
On Monday, October 24, 6th grade students will have a very special, exciting opportunity to see Lauren Tarshis, the author of the extremely popular “I Survived” series. This author visit has been made possible by Northshire Bookstore.
Four of her books are available for pre-order. Please see this order form:
Contact Mrs. Ekstrom if you have any questions: ekstromr@apcsd.org