Dawn Lantry spent the last 25 years teaching foreign languages in the Averill Park Central School District and is retiring this month. During those years, Mrs. Lantry has taught at the Middle School and High School, teaching French and Spanish.
“I wanted to become a teacher after I was offered a position in a Parochial school,” she said. “I was not a certified teacher at the time, but I found that I loved seeing children’s enthusiasm about learning another language and culture. I then went back for my Masters to become certified in both French and Spanish.”
Mrs. Lantry has many favorite memories. Among them are seeing students in the classroom use the language and realize they are becoming proficient. Another is working in the summer APEX program, helping students work to achieve their proficiency language credit. Additionally, there were the trips to Montreal, Quebec for French students, and trips to New York City for Spanish students.
In retirement, Mrs. Lantry plans to spend time with family, travel, volunteer with a dementia group, and study another language.