This morning, Averill Park High School students in grades 9-10 attended a powerful “Choices Matter” assembly that included a presentation from Chris Sandy. Mr. Sandy spent more than eight years in prison after being involved in a fatal car accident in which he was driving a car while impaired. He is now a motivational speaker who helps students make positive choices by showing them real-life consequences that go far beyond just going to prison.
While the high school typically holds an assembly for students in grades 11-12 prior to prom each year, this is the first time it has held an early-intervention assembly for students in grades 9-10. Thank you to Student Assistance Counselor Kim Favro and the Rensselaer County STOP DWI Coordinator, Mike Dinardo, for bringing the presentation to our students via a state grant.
After the assembly, all students at the high school were able to try on VR goggles that simulate being impaired.