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Algonquin Middle School FAQs

Please select from the following FAQ categories.


AMS General Questions (12)

No, students are allowed only to ride their assigned school bus.

  • Yes, late buses are available for students on Tuesday, Wednesday

and Thursday afternoons at 3:20pm.

  • Late bus numbers are different from regular bus numbers.

  • Students should see the Main Office during our activity period to identify which late bus they should ride.

Students that arrive after 7:55am are marked as tardy and are asked to sign in at the Main Office.

  • Yes, Algonquin’s bookstore is open for students during Morning Meeting each day.

  • Students can purchase basic school supplies as well as sweatshirts and other items that reflect our school logos.

  • Items are generally sold without a profit.  Any proceeds from this bookstore support the purchase of student assignment books.

  • Parent conferences are offered during our scheduled conference days.

  • Additionally, parent conferences may take place before or after school based on teacher availability.

  • Typically teacher teams will initiate contact for parent conferences.

  • Parents that wish to schedule a conference regarding their child’s progress may do so by contacting the Counseling Center.

  • First dismissal (2:25pm) is for students riding buses.

  • Second dismissal (2:30pm) is for students getting picked up or staying after school for an activity.

  • Students getting picked up will meet their ride outside and do not need to be signed out.

Yes, there is a dress code which is a part of the Averill Park Central School District’s Code of Conduct.  Please refer to that document for further information.

  • The student day begins at 7:45am.  Students being dropped off by parents should use the parent drop off area on the northwest side of our campus.

  • Classes end at 2:25pm.

  • Our after school activity period runs from 2:25pm until 3:15pm.

  • The AMS Main Office is generally open from 7:00am to 4:00pm.

  • The purpose of our activity period is to allow students the opportunity to work with teachers on assignments, get extra help or participate in extracurricular activities.

  • Students who stay after school must stay with a teacher and make arrangements ahead of time.

  • Students should make plans with a teacher to stay after before the end of the school day.

  • We do not allow students to stay after school to “hang out.”

The Warrior Way is a set of three guiding principles that reflect the behavior expectations for all Algonquin community members.

As teachers spend the vast majority of their day working with students, email is the prefered method for reaching out to teachers.  Should you like to speak over the phone or in person, please email the teacher to schedule that type of contact.

Yes, elementary lunch accounts continue with the same pin numbers here at Algonquin.

AMS Schedule (2)

  • Classes meet on an every other day basis at the middle school.
  • Students participate in 80 minute classes each day.
  • Math classes meet each day for 40 minutes
  • Students also have a 30 minute Morning Meeting period, an approximately 50 minute Access period and a 40 minute PE/Art, Music, Family & Consumer Science or Library Exploration class each day as well as a 30 minute lunch and recess period.
  • Students receive their schedule on the first day of school.

  • In late August students will receive a postcard in the mail indicating their Morning Meeting room, which will help them identify where they need to report on the first day of school.

AMS Homework (3)

Yes, assignment books are used not only for writing down homework but also a pass for students to use the restroom or to get a drink.

  • Students should expect approximately 15 minutes of homework per day per class.

  • Students who use their Access time wisely will have significantly less work to do at home than students that do not.

  • Each student will receive a complimentary assignment book that they will use to write down their homework assignments and important reminders.

  • Should a student lose their assignment book they can obtain a replacement from the Counseling Center  Books

AMS Technology (6)

If you have a technical issue with your district assigned chromebook please see our troubleshooting steps located here

  • Students are assigned districted owned chromebooks for more information please see 1:1 chromebook

  • Students are allowed to use their device in the cafeteria as well as on the bus.

  • During classes students should have their phone off and away unless otherwise indicated by a teacher.

  • Please refer to our Code of Conduct for additional information.

If you have a technology support questions please review the following resources Click Here

  • Our Google-based homework calendars for each team are available on our building website.

  • Parents can also subscribe to these calendars using links that will be provided through an email blast in the fall.

  • We encourage families to regularly review the homework calendars with their children to ensure assignments are completed in a timely manner.

  • Teachers use Google Classroom at Algonquin as an “electronic classroom.”

  • This allows students to view class notes, materials, links and other course content.

  • Students will receive special access codes from each of their teachers to join these classes.

  • Parents need to use their child’s accounts to access Google Classroom.

  • SchoolTool is used to communicate student assignments and course grades, as well as attendance information, to families.

  • Parents who need log-in information for a SchoolTool account should see one of the secretaries in the Main Office.

AMS Main Office (2)

  • Parents should not contact their child via calls to their child’s cell phone or text message during the school day.

  • Messages to students to call their parents can be delivered through the main office.

  • Students will receive these messages at the conclusion of their class as to not disrupt instruction.

  • If a parent knows in advance they will be picking up their child they should send a note with their child that morning.

  • Parents or a guardian-approved pick-up person must sign out their child from the Main Office.

AMS Health Office (3)

No, all medications must be delivered by the parent in a properly labeled container, accompanied by the doctor’s order and the parent must sign a permission sheet per NYS law.

Please feel free to call the nurse at 518-674-7103.  The nurse will contact your student and assess them and then call you back with the results.

Students access the school nurse when they do not feel well.  The nurse will speak with your student and assess their complaint. If treatment is required the nurse will provide it. If support and encouragement is needed she will provide that as well. If your student is ill or has experienced an injury, you will receive a phone call.

Students meet with school counselors for a variety of reasons.  Students work with counselors on scheduling questions, problem solving issues that come up as a result of day-to-day challenges, academic challenges or personal goal setting.

AMS Library (2)

Yes, they are!  Please see a member of our library staff to receive your student log-in.

Students can check out materials from the library during Morning Meeting or Access period.  Three books and two magazines can be checked out at one time.

AMS Music Performance Groups (6)

All Algonquin students have Access time during their school day.  Students who participate in performance groups do have less Access time than students who do not.

  • he school dress code is still in effect for all concerts, please see below for specific requirements.

  • Girls: Solid white blouse (short sleeves or longer), black bottom skirt (must be appropriate length for school) or black pants, panty hose (December and March) and black dress shoes (Please no extremely high heels)

  • Boys: Solid white collared shirt, black pants, colorful tie or bow tie, if desired and black dress shoes

  • Band is our performance group for wind and percussion instruments.

  • Orchestra is our performance group for string instruments.

  • Algonquin offers band, orchestra and chorus as instructional program options for students.

  • All students are strongly encouraged to participate in at least one of these performance groups.

  • Due to scheduling limitations, students may participate in a maximum of two performance groups.

  • We also offer select band, orchestra and chorus groups for students in 7th and/or 8th grade.

  • Students in 7th and 8th grade may also participate in our annual Spring Musical. Spring Musical participation is not open to 6th graders.

  • Additionally, AMS regularly sponsors participation in the NYSSMA, Rensselaer All-County & Suburban Council programs.

  • Students participate in lessons for band and orchestra during class periods on a rotating schedule.

  • It is important that students attend their scheduled lesson to develop their skills and be prepared for their full-group rehearsals.

Rehearsals for performance groups takes place on an every-other-day basis during Access period.

AMS Physical Education & Athletics (7)

Yes, although our coaches keep as many students as possible there are times when making cuts are necessary to keep the roster size manageable

Yes, there is a process called the Athletic Placement Process which allows the exceptional 7th or 8th grade student to tryout for a JV or varsity team.

Yes, students change for PE classes beginning in sixth grade.

  • Fall:  Football, Boys & Girls Soccer, Boys & Girls Cross Country, Girls Volleyball

  • Winter:  Boys & Girls Basketball, Wrestling

  • Spring:  Baseball, Softball, Girls Lacrosse, Boys Lacrosse

Students generally engage in lifelong fitness activities during PE classes.  Our physical education staff is focused on helping students develop skills and interests in maintaining personal health and fitness

In New York State students are eligible to participate in Modified Athletics beginning when they are in 7th grade.

  • Fall:  Sept. 1st

  • Winter:  3rd Monday of November

  • Spring:  2nd Monday of March

AMS Academic Intervention Services (A.I.S) (3)

Students will be considered for AIS if they score below Designated Performance Level (below a 3) on Elementary or Intermediate State Assessments in ELA or mathematics

Students qualifying for Academic Intervention Services may participate in a variety of offerings provided by our school.  These include, but are not limited to:

  • Grades 6-8 Reading Workshop with literacy specialist, group size <10

  • Grades 6-8 Supplemental Reading Comprehension, group size ~10

  • Grades 6-8 Math Morning Meeting or Access with math specialist, group size <10

  • Grades 6-8 Supplemental Math with math specialist, group size <10

  • Grades 6-8 Writing Workshop with ELA teacher, group size <10

  • Grades 6-8 Advisory (for mentoring), group size <10

  • Progress monitoring by a content area specialist

Academic Intervention Services are intended to supplement instruction provided by the general curriculum and to assist students in meeting the State Learning Standards. This additional support will be provided utilizing a variety of strategies.