Averill Park CSD Elementary Backpack Program
Kate Dorgan
Backpack Coordinator
The Averill Park Central School District has partnered with the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York for a child-specific nutritional programs, the BackPack Program (K-5) and the Pantry Program (6-12).
The elementary BackPack Program provides a child with a bag of non-perishable, easy-to-prepare food every Friday afternoon to be enjoyed throughout the weekend. The food is placed in a bag and distributed discreetly. The empty bag is returned to school on Monday. There is no cost to families to participate in this program.
The secondary-level Pantry Program provides students with food options to pick from and to take home throughout the week.
Averill Park’s elementary BackPack Program (K-5) and the Pantry Program (6-12) serve over 65 children each week across the District.
For more information about the program, including how you can help/donate, click here.