Program Planning

The purpose of the Program Guide is to help you design a high school plan. Your plan should include steps that will lead to successful completion of diploma requirements, as well as preparation for your future, whether it be college, work, military service or other endeavor. As you will see, Averill Park High School offers many paths to success. Individuals are encouraged to choose the best path for them and to re-evaluate their plans each year. This Program Planning Guide outlines several aspects of our high school program: An explanation of graduation requirements as specified by the New York State Board of Regents; Answers to commonly asked questions regarding various aspects of the high school program; A list and description of courses and programs offered by each subject area department. Involvement of your parents, teachers and your counselor is very important when selecting a program of study that will provide for your educational and future planning needs. The Averill Park High School staff will assist you in developing your program and in the decision-making and problem-solving processes. At the high school, individual student-counselor conferences will be scheduled for this purpose. If you have any questions, you or your parents are urged to call the Counseling Center.

APHS 2025-26 Guide to Program Planning

Graduation Requirements

Examination Requirements

Planning for College

Graduation Requirements

To graduate from the Averill Park High School, students must fulfill course and examination requirements as explained below.

In keeping with state and district standards, the high school now offers two possible diplomas. All students are expected to challenge themselves and are required to work toward a Regents diploma as described below.

The eight-period alternate day block schedule requires ALL BLOCKS to be scheduled.

Unless otherwise noted in the departmental course listings that follow, a year-long course is equal to one credit toward graduation, and a semester course earns one-half credit.


Students must earn the following credits in order to graduate with one of three possible diplomas:

Regents Diploma Advanced Regents Diploma
English 4 English 4
Social Studies 4 Social Studies 4
Math 3 Math 3
Science 3 Science 3
Art/Music/Theatre 1 Art/Music/Theatre 1
Health .5 Health .5
Physical Education 2 Physical Education 2
Foreign Language 1 Foreign Language 3
Electives 3.5 Electives 1.5
Total Credits 22.0 Total Credits 22.0



Examination Requirements

Regents Diploma Advanced Regents Diploma**
(Please refer to notes below)
Students must earn a passing grade on four Regents exams: One in each content; Math, Science, Social Studies, and ELA. In addition, they must complete one more Regents exam in Math, Science, or Social Studies
OR approved CTE, or LOTE
Or Arts Pathway (not yet approved)
Total of 7 or 8 Exams with a grade of 65% or higher:
Global Studies
U.S. History
Science Exams
(at least one life science, one in physical science)
Foreign Language



A local diploma is an option in accordance with NYS Department of Education guidelines for a student with disabilities only.

*A student who completes a five-unit sequence in Career & Technical Education, Art or Music may earn an Advanced Regents Diploma and be exempt from the foreign language requirement. Career & Technical Education includes courses in technology education and vocational studies.

**To earn an Advanced Regents with Honors Diploma, a student must achieve an average of 90% on Regents examinations taken.

Planning For College

Many students plan to enter college upon graduation from high school. Depending on the type of college and academic program you aim for, there may be specific courses or experiences throughout high school that will prepare you and enhance your ability to accomplish your goals. Following are general guidelines on what colleges look for.

Four-year college:

  • 3-4 years of academic math (4 years are generally expected)
  • 4 years English
  • 3-4 years of lab science (4 years are generally expected)
  • 4 years Social Studies
  • 2-4 years of Foreign language

In addition, if you are interested in particular fields or careers there may be highly recommended high school course work. For instance, admittance to an architecture program usually requires a portfolio which should demonstrate some Art training. Nursing requires Chemistry. Prospective engineers should take 4 years of Math and Science as well as Project Lead the Way courses. Colleges look for students who have demonstrated success in the most challenging courses appropriate to each student. Each college admits students whose past records, including standardized test results, indicate success that will likely continue at a particular college or university. Colleges with specialized degree programs sometimes require performance reviews, such as an art or architectural portfolio or musical audition. Talk to your counselors about your aspirations and ask for their course recommendations.

Two-year college: If you plan to enter a two-year college with the goal of eventually transferring to a four-year college, then you should take the college preparatory courses mentioned above. Developing strong study skills, and learning to read, write and solve problems at a high level will ensure success in any two-year college program.