Home School

Parents or guardians of compulsory school age children have the legal right to instruct their children at home. If a child is being educated at home, the Averill Park Central School District must be assured that the child is receiving instruction in certain required courses/subjects.

For information regarding the New York State Education Department’s requirements for home instruction should visit NYSED’s Home Instruction Questions and Answers webpage. Further information about key dates and necessary documentation required by law for Home School Instruction in New York is available in SED Commissioner’s Regulations, 8 NYCRR 100.10.

Questions related specifically to your child being home schooled at Averill Park can be sent to Yvonne Phillips in the Teaching and Learning Office (phillipsy@apcsd.org or 518-674-7050).

If you decide to begin home instruction for your child, the parent/guardian is required to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to Mr. Matthew Hladun, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum of Instruction. The letter of intent can be sent via email or mail. Please include your child’s name, DOB, and grade level in the LOI. Once an LOI has been received, an information packet will be sent to your child’s home address.

This packet will include:

  • A template for an Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP). See 100.10 (d) (4) for guidance.
  • A template for Quarterly Reports that will need to be submitted four times each school year.

Commissioner of Education, Part 100.10 that outlines how Homeschool Instruction is administered in New York State.

The regulations provide detailed requirements for subjects/courses to be taught, required attendance and student evaluation. Specific provisions govern home instruction.

  • Parent/guardian must notify the superintendent of schools or designee (Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning) in writing each school year of their intention to educate their child at home.  
  • Parent/guardian must develop an individualized home instruction plan (IHIP).
  • Parent/guardian must submit quarterly reports. 

Parent/guardian must file an annual assessment indicating the student’s progress.


  • Letter of Intent must be submitted each school year
    • Current Home School participant: Submit a Letter of Intent by July 1.
    • New to Home School in the APCSD: If you have just moved to the school district, a Letter of Intent must be submitted within 14 days of moving.
  • The parent/guardian must provide the district with an Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP). The IHIP must be completed by the parent for each subject the parent/guardian is required to teach at the child’s grade level as described in Part 100.10. The IHIP is due 30 days after the Letter of Intent is submitted.
  • The parent/guardian provides the district with Four Quarterly Reports due on or around 11/15, 1/31, 4/15 and 6/25.
  • An Annual Assessment is due by 6/25 each school year.
    • Kindergarten through 3rd Grade: Option of submitting a narrative assessment each year or taking a national assessment such as the Iowa Test of Basic Skills, the California Achievement Test, The Stanford Achievement Test, The Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills, the Metropolitan Achievement Test, a State Education Department Test, or any other test approved by the State Education Department (most can be found on the Internet – families are responsible for the cost of assessment).
    • 4th through 8th Grade: Option of submitting a narrative assessment or taking a national assessment such as the Iowa Test of Basic Skills, the California Achievement Test, The Stanford Achievement Test, The Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills, the Metropolitan Achievement Test (most can be found on the Internet – families are responsible for the cost of assessment), taking a NYS assessment (can be taken at one of our schools with advanced notice) or submitting a narrative assessment.  A narrative assessment can only be submitted every other year.
    • 9th-12th Grade: Option of submitting the NYS Regents exams (can be taken at one of our schools with advanced notice) or taking a national assessment such as the Iowa Test of Basic Skills, the California Achievement Test, The Stanford Achievement Test, The Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills, the Metropolitan Achievement Test, a State Education Department Test, or any other test approved by the State Education Department (most can be found on the Internet – families are responsible for the cost of assessment).
  • A request for IEP services to continue through homeschooling must be submitted by June 1.