Academic Support Services

The mission of our district is to meet the needs of all learners.  We offer a variety of academic intervention services to address the needs of students who struggle academically.


A team of school professionals (including the classroom teacher, building principal, nurse, and school psychologist, as well as other educational professionals) review information regarding a student’s daily classroom performance, standardized and/or diagnostic testing results, and report card information to develop interventions and strategies that will be used to assist students in meeting NYS learning standards.


Academic intervention services are then provided by various professionals including classroom teachers, reading specialists, and special education teachers. School personnel work collaboratively to provide students with the necessary skills to be more successful.  The grouping of students and instructors responsible for direct teaching may vary throughout the year as a student’s needs change and student progress is regularly monitored to determine the continued need of services.


If you have concerns regarding your child’s academic progress, contact your child’s teacher. This page also offers various academic resources to assist struggling students.




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