Response to Intervention
Response to Intervention (RtI) is a school-wide process, guided by assessment data, which organizes instruction and tiered support services to deliver high quality instruction to meet the diverse needs of learners. It is an ongoing process of using student performance and other data to guide instruction and intervention decisions. It is the practice of providing high-quality instruction/intervention matched to student needs and using learning rate over time and level of performance to make important educational decisions about an individual student.
The RtI process begins with universal screening of all students in grades K-8. The purpose is to determine which students need help with instruction. The universal screening provides information about a student’s foundational learning. Universal screening is recommended to take place in the beginning of the year, and is repeated again in the winter and the spring. Students identified through the screening process as needing more instruction beyond the regular classroom instruction (Tier 1) can be identified for Academic Intervention Services (AIS). Academic Intervention Services (AIS) includes two components: additional instruction and support services. Additional instruction supplements the instruction beyond the general curriculum and assist students who are at risk of not achieving the State learning standards.