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Transportation Services

Director of Transportation
Mark Premo
Phone: (518) 674-7070
Fax: (518) 674-3629

Welcome to the district’s Transportation web page. Averill Park Central School District buses travel more than 900,000 miles a year. It takes a staff of approximately 100 people to drive and maintain our fleet of approximately 77 buses. Bus transportation is available to all students who are residents in the Averill Park Central School District.

Our Office Staff

Mark Premo, Director of Transportation

Laurie Merriman, Assistant Director of Transportation

Keri Davis, Dispatcher

Michael Gray, Dispatcher

Professional Development for Transportation Department (9/4/24)

Substitute Bus Drivers Needed

Looking for a part-time job? Averill Park CSD has openings for Substitute Bus Drivers. Bus Drivers are hired as needed for absences, and can become regular drivers when opportunities come up, if they wish. An extensive paid training program is available, and a regular driving license and clean driving record are required. Class B license with P and S endorsement preferred, training available. Please contact Transportation at 518-674-7070 if interested

Bus Stops

Students must use the assigned bus stop as designated by the school district. Requests for bus stop changes will be made for legitimate safety concerns. Students must plan to be at their bus stop at least 5 minutes early. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to see that their children arrive at the designated bus stop at the appropriate time. Students are expected to board the bus and sit down as quickly as possible. In order for students to arrive at school on time, it is important that they be ready for pick up.

Parents/guardians are responsible for the behavior and safety of their students at the bus stops until they enter the bus and after they depart the bus. If you have a safety concern regarding your child’s stop, call the Transportation Department and it will be reviewed immediately. All other bus stop change requests may be submitted on a School Bus Stop Review Request Form (click to download the PDF) to be evaluated by the Transportation Supervisor.

What Can Be Brought on the Bus?

New York State Department of Transportation and federal regulations PROHIBIT bringing large items and musical instruments on school buses. All of the items that the child will be bringing to school should be packed in a carrying case, such as a tote bag or backpack, which must be small enough to be held on the student’s lap. Large items and food for class parties may not be transported by school bus.

The following items are a partial list of what is allowed on the bus if held on lap:

  • Piccolo, oboe, flute, soprano clarinet, bassoon, snare drum, alto saxophone, French horn, trombone, trumpet, violin, and viola.
  • Large items are not allowed on the bus – these include, but are not limited to: Alto clarinet, bass clarinet, contra bass clarinet, baritone saxophone, cello, guitar, tenor saxophone, tuba, baritone horn, string bass, large school projects, skateboards, bikes, fishing poles, skis and poles, and sleds.
  • Other items not allowed on the bus. These include, but are not limited to: Any weapons, pets or any live animals, glass containers, and aerosol cans.

School Closings, Delays and Early Dismissals

School closings, delayed openings and early dismissals resulting from weather conditions or other situations will be posted on the homepage of the Averill Park Central School District Web site. Additionally, individuals may access school closing information via the district’s Facebook page and various media outlets. Please do not call the bus garage for information about school closings, since this ties up phone lines and can prevent receipt of important calls.

Medical Conditions

A student’s medical condition should be reported to the school nurse as well as the Transportation Supervisor. If the medical condition should change, this should also be reported. Student records will be kept confidential with information shared only on a “need to know” basis.

Injury or Temporary Medical Condition

Requests for special transportation due to an injury or other medical condition must be accompanied by detailed instructions from the student’s physician.  These instructions should include the exact needs and expected duration of the special busing request.  Special busing is subject to approval by the Transportation Supervisor.

School Bus Scheduling and Routing

The Transportation Department publishes bus numbers on the website and in the Advertiser usually by the end of August if not two weeks before school starts. Our bus routes are developed as efficiently as possible. The Transportation Supervisor determines the school bus schedules and routes for students following the guidelines below:

  • Safety will always be the first consideration in establishing bus routes and bus pick-up points.
  • Similar transportation hall be offered to all children in similar circumstances residing in the district.
  • To minimize both driver and student confusion in busing students, each student must ride the same bus and be dropped off at the same address each school day unless childcare forms are filled out and on file with the Transportation Department.

Helpful Transportation Links

New York Association for Pupil Transportation (NYAPT)

National Association for Pupil Transportation (NAPT)

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Pupil Transportation Safety Institute (PTSI)

National Safety Council (NSC)

National Coalition for School Bus Safety

School Bus Information Council

American School Bus Council

School Transportation News