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  7. Chromebook Extended Care Program

Dear Parents/Guardians of 5th-12th grade students,

Students in grades 5-12 have a Chromebook assigned to them for their use. Students in 5th grade will receive a Chromebook and use it through the end of 8th grade. They will then be issued a new Chromebook in 9th grade for use in grades 9-12.

Students are responsible for the general care of the Chrome book as outlined in our Chromebook HandbookChromebooks that are broken, or fail to work properly, must be reported to the District Technology Office as soon as possible so that they can be taken care of properly and promptly. As in the past, parents/guardians will be asked to cover the cost of a repair if the damage is caused by improper use or care of the device.

Once again, we are offering an optional “Extended Care” Plan for your convenience.

For a $35 annual enrollment fee, the Extended Care Plan covers up to two claims per school year. This enrollment fee is less than the cost of a single repair and covers up to two repairs. The Extended Care Plan does not cover replacement chargers or lost Chromebooks. After two claims, any additional claims will be charged as follows:
• Damage claims beyond the second incident: $50 per incident
• Loss/destruction of Chromebook: $250

The Extended Care Plan can roll over to the following school year provided:
• no claims were filed within the school year
• the student is keeping the same Chromebook for use
• You make only an initial payment and if your child takes good care of the Chromebook, you won’t have to pay again unless a new Chromebook gets issued.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact the District Technology Office at 518-674-7080 or via email at tech@apcsd.org