The Averill Park Central School District is holding a Superintendent’s Conference Day on Wednesday, November 1. There will be no school for students on this day. Additionally, the District will hold a “Go Home Early” drill on Thursday, November 9, 2023. All schools...
APHS Off-Broadway Players Proudly presents their fall production, Scariest Play–Ever! written by Craig Sodaro on November 3-4. Join us for a spooky comedy that has something for everyone! The show involves over 45 students in acting and tech roles, an...
This week on the Every Student Every Day Podcast, Superintendent Dr. James Franchini continues with this two-part series with former members of the Board of Education. In this episode the group discusses the Warrior renaming, gives advice, and more. Due to the length,...
Miller Hill-Sand Lake Elementary School Principal, Mr. Sibson, was taped to the wall on Oct. 25, 2023! Students at MHSL surpassed their fundraising goal for the Boosterthon Fun Run, which led to Mr. Sibson being suspended in the air during dismissal.
The Averill Park Central School District is excited to offer free mental health resources to parents and families. Click the icon below for more information.