Our first Warrior Way Assemblies of 2023-24 will take place on Wednesday (Teams 1, 3 and 5) and Thursday (Teams 2, 4 and 6) during Morning Meeting. During our quarterly Warrior Way assemblies, students and staff celebrate the three principles of Respect, Effort and Action in our school community. We look forward to kicking off our assemblies next week and will follow up with family discussion questions about the assemblies so that you can stay informed about the activities and continue the conversation about important topics in the days ahead. Thank you for your continued support of our school community.
Greetings, AMS Community! This week we will begin conducting some safety drills during our school days. We will start off the year practicing fire safety procedures. During these drills we evacuate the school to designated areas. While these are only drills, they help us be ready for unexpected events that might require an evacuation from the school. There will be many adults helping, but we ask that students take the drills seriously and remain quiet while they are going on. They should also pay close attention to adult directions during these drills. Thank you for your support and we look forward to completing a successful set of fire drills this week. If you have any questions about either of these drills please feel free to reach out.
Dr. Rhode
School Breakfast and Lunch – LINQ Connect Payment System Reminders
This year the school district moved to a new school breakfast and lunch payment program. Please click on this link for reminder information about the transition to LINQ Connect Payment system now being used for school breakfast and lunch payments. Thank you.
The APO is sponsoring our first evening event of the year with the AMS Outdoor Movie Night on Friday, September 29th from 7pm to 9pm. The movie, by popular vote of the student body, will be The Sandlot. In the event of rain, the movie will take place in the Gold Gym. Tickets cost $5.00 and will be on sale during lunches on next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Additional information will be shared with students next week. Parents can see the slides for our movie night expectations and reminders video by clicking here.
On Thursday, October 5th, students are invited to attend our after school sports event. On that afternoon both the modified football and modified volleyball teams will have home games.
● There is no cost to attend.
● Students will sign up with a Google Form next week to indicate if they plan to attend. The form must be completed by the end of Morning Meeting on Thursday.
● In advance, students must find a teacher to stay after school with on Thursday from 2:40-3:20 before completing the Google Form.
● At 3:20 spectators with report to the Recess Area to hang out with friends, play recess area games and purchase snacks from our SL@AMS Club. The proceeds from snack sales will support the AMS Food Pantry Program.
● Students must have a ride here at AMS to pick them up at 5:15pm, regardless of game end time. Families are welcome to join.
● Students are expected to be good spectators, attending with the purpose of cheering AP on to victory and following adult directions. Students who are not able to follow these basic expectations will be asked to call home for a ride.
● These expectations for attending the event will be shared with students through the morning announcements next week.
A reminder that Grade 8 Team 6 will visit the Northeast Regional Food Bank Farm on Friday, September 29. Team 5 previously visited the Food Bank Farm on Wednesday Additional information was provided in our permission slip sent home with Grade 8 students. We are excited to return to the farm, where AMS is one of the largest supporters of volunteer hours, assisting their mission of ensuring food stability for families across the greater Capital Region. Students in Grades
Our AMS FALL MOVIE NIGHT is September 29th – 7pm-9pm Come one, come all, to a night of movie fun!!! Tickets will be on sale during lunch periods Wed (9/27) – Fri (9/29) for $5.00. Glow items will be on sale at the event, as well as chips, popcorn, candy, and drinks. Thank you to everyone who has signed up to bring in items for the MOVIE NIGHT event this Friday! Please drop off your donations by Friday morning, so we can transport them down to the viewing area at the end of the day!
New Event Alert!!!!!!!
Your AMS Parent Organization is looking for help with some concession stand items to sell at our first after school sports event on Thursday, October 5th. Please send them to school with your child or drop off by the morning of! Proceeds will be going towards the Algonquin Middle School Pantry Program to provide snacks and meals for those in need. The SL@MS Club will be running the stand so no parent volunteers are needed to help at the event. We thank you in advance for your support! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E49A8AA22A3FFC43-44496954-after
When a child does not have their Chromebook charged and ready to go for the start of school they are not prepared for their learning experience that day. We encourage all families to work to identify a central charging location at your home that allows for students to be in a “charging routine.” We have a limited number of loaner Chromebooks. As a result, students are asked to call home for a parent to bring their Chromebook to school should they forget theirs. If a student forgets their Chromebook or arrives at school with a dead battery, three times in one marking quarter requiring a loaner Chromebook from the library each of those times, they will be assigned lunch detention. For those students who struggle with the Chromebook routines we have plans that can be put in place to support them. Having their Chromebook in school, charged and ready to go is part of their job as a student. Please encourage your child to charge it and bring it to school as part of their school routine.
Sora Ebooks and Audiobooks:
All Averill Park students have access to thousands of free and amazing ebooks and audiobooks through Sora. https://soraapp.com/welcome Students log in through their Google account. They select Questar III Boces and then APCSD and then can begin searching for books. These e-books are available through the generous support of the Questar III School Library System. Please email Mrs. Ekstrom if you have questions: ekstromr@apcsd.org
The next Coding Club will be on Tuesday, October 3rd from 2:30 until 3:20. Anyone is welcome to come. Students should sign up in the library or email Mrs. Ekstrom if they’d like to join us. ekstromr@apcsd.org
The next Pleasure Read Book Club will be on Thursday, October 5th from 2:30 until 3:20. Students bring a middle level book of their choice. Students should sign up in the library or email Mrs. Ekstrom if they’d like to come. ekstromr@apcsd.org