Class of 2018
Class of 2018
Elroy Face ’48 bio
Jen Fazioli ‘98 bio
David W. Hastings ‘58 bio
Michael McDowell ‘87 bio
Rebecca Pollock Seidenstein ‘95 bio
Tony R. Tanksley ‘97 bio
Richard “Coach Abb” Abbatiello bio
“Coach” Al DeShaw (deceased) bio
June D. MacGilfrey ‘75 bio
Iona “Bud” Cole (deceased) bio
Left to right, front row: Tony R. Tanksley, David W. Hastings, Michael McDowell, Richard “Dick” Abbatiello: back row:
Jen Fazioli, Thomasine DeShaw (accepted on behalf of Al DeShaw), June MacGilfrey and Rebecca (Pollock) Seidenstein